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Tarot Arcanum 6: Indecision

The Sixth Arcanum is the Lover, enchainment, equilibrium, struggle between love and desire. Amorous union of man and woman, linking. It is the supreme affirmation of the internal Christ, and the supreme negation of the demon.

With the Sixth Arcanum, one is in the position of having to choose between one way or another way.

Within the Sixth Arcanum is the struggle between the two ternaries, the mysteries of lingam-yoni.

Kabbalistic Sephirah: Tiphereth

Hebrew Letter: Vav ו

Transcendental Axiom: “Thou art giving me labor, oh Lord, and fortitude with it.”

Forecasting Element: Privilege and obligations in the relations of sexes. Antagonism of forces. Separations and divorces. Possession of that which is pursued and ardent desires which are fulfilled, where some of them satisfy and others disappoint.