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Calx Vive of the Philosophers

1. The Calx of Luna mixed with male Mercury and female Mercury produces the multiplication of Mercury.

2. This raw matter is first black, then red, then white, and then of various colors.

3. This is the Calx vive [living Lime] of philosophers and the Sulfuric ore of secret philosophy.

4. The virile member in the state of erection causes the semen to be increased within the hormonal vessels.

5. This increasing of semen is known in alchemy as the multiplication of the philosophical Mercury.

6. Thus, the semen transmuted into male and female Mercury rises through our two ganglionic cords of the spinal medulla.

7. This is the multiplication of the Mercury in the Sulfuric ore of secret philosophy.

8. This Sulfuric ore is the phallus and the uterus.

9. The Calx vive is converted into feminine Mercury, which is governed by the Moon.

10. “This Calx converts an infinite amount of common [female] mercury powdered white, which can be reduced true silver when it joins to any other body, for example Luna.” — Raymond Lully, Clavicle means of sexual magic.

11. This is how we lift the lunar serpent upon the reed.

12. This is how we lift the fallen serpent for the advent of the fire.

13. The two serpents that are entwined on the Caduceus of Mercury must be lifted to achieve the awakening of the Kundalini.

14. The masculine serpent is solar.

15. The feminine serpent is lunar.

16. We must lift the lunar serpent because it is fallen.

17. This is how we prepare ourselves for the advent of the fire.

18. The multiplication of the philosophical Mercury is a process of sexual transmutation.

19. It is necessary to fertilize the elemental water of the Mercury with our solar fires.

20. This is how we Christify ourselves.