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The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania 1847

Let us bring living souls out unto the Earth.

This lecture is related to the sixth day of Genesis, a day that embraces very profound mysteries related with what we have been talking about throughout this course: the different aspects of the soul, which we are going to elaborate further on today, since it is related with Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, living souls.

Let us remember how we explained that the first soul, consciousness, absolute intelligence, is that soul that in the book of Genesis is called Yehidah יהידה, which is always mentioned in the days of Genesis with the phrase, “it was so.” This “it was so” is in Hebrew written, Yehi יהי, which refers to Yehuda יהידה  or Yehidah יחידה. It means that the light of Yehuda יהידה  or Yehidah יחידה, the Ain Soph Aur אור אין סוף “was so,” or that it “became.”

In many lectures we explained that this word Yehi יהי, from Yehuda יהידה or Yehidah יחידה, relates to that phrase spoken by God to Moses: Eheieh Asher Eheieh אהיה אשר אהיה. The translation is, “I become who becomes.” And this is very interesting because the lecture today is related with “Who” (Asher אשר in Hebrew).  When rearranging the letters of Asher אשר we get Rosh ראש, which means head in Hebrew. Asher אשר relates to the Holy Spirit, Binah בינה. So, “I become Eheieh אהיה" is Kether; Asher אשר is “Who becomes”; Asher אשר is Binah, which we explained, relates to the second soul or intelligence, that is called Chaiah חיה, the Theomermalogos (the first emanation of the Most Holy Sun Absolute), the Ain Soph Aur אור אין סוף.

“In Sanskrit, जीव Jivah, is Breath of life. In Hebrew, Life, is Chai חי. Now, then, for the Hebrew the difference between the Hei ה and the Cheth ח is almost null and although the loss of the H is a degeneration operated in Spanish and French, on the other hand the acquisition of the Ch (Spanish pronunciation Kjjjjj) is a step forward, since its action spiritualizes matter in a mantric sense. In ancient Chinese, Breath, divine breath, is “Kh’i” (氣) whose word reminds us of the German Ich (I, me, myself.]” - From Page 15, chapter Everything Irradiates, Logos Mantra Magic by Arnold Krumm Heller

So Chaiah חיה and Yehuda יהידה or Yehidah יחידה are those intelligences that relate to the absolute space, to the uncreated light. Yehuda יהידה or Yehidah יחידה is light that relates to the three first letters יהו, in other words, to the sephiroth Kether, Chokmah, Binah of the Tree of Life, which emanate from the unknowable Hei ה which is the divine womb, the Ain Soph אין סוף.

So, the tetragrammaton is a unity that in Kabbalah is called Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei יהוה, the Holy name of Elohim אלהים, Binah בינה. And the light within them is Aur אור in Hebrew, which refers to Yehidah יחידה, that intelligence that expresses itself within the unknowable and within the Logos, the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And, that is within the formless and void Abstract Absolute Space. After, we find another type of intelligence that is also formless within the void, which is Chaiah חיה, which we explained is Akash in Sanskrit (the Etherokrilno); it is what the Bible calls HaMayim המים, the waters.

Remember, the letters Vav ו and Zain ז form the spine of both husband and wife, who are facing each other in the letter Chet חת respectively; thus, forming the letter Chet חת. The letter Tav ת of Chet חת represent their sexual crossing, the sexual connection.

When we talk about HaMayim המים, the waters, we always address the different aspects of the Divine Father and Mother. This is because Chaiah חיה hides (Jah, Iod-Hei יה) the duality of the unity above, in the tetragrammaton יהוה, which relates to that commandment, “you shall honor your father and your mother”, which kabbalistically is translated as Iod-Havah י-הוה in the Bible. This Duality relates to Binah בינה, the Holy Spirit. This duality contains Yehidah or, as we say in Sanskrit, Akash contains Prana. So, Akash and Prana in Sanskrit, are Chaiah חיה and Yehidah יהידה together. This blue substance called Akash is diluted in the universe; the Etherokrilno is that prime-source substance with which the whole Universe is filled, and which is the basis for the arising and maintenance of everything existing.

Therefore, from Akash, as we explained in a previous lecture, crystallizes any unity in the universe, be it a planet, a sun, a comet, etc. To understand this better let us make a comparison, listen: salt is diluted in the ocean, which is that formless salty water. When that salt gathers together, it forms different types of concrete matter, but that salt is within HaMayim המים, the waters. This is what we must understand, in order to comprehend the dry land that the Book of Genesis talks about.

And upon that dry land appears vegetation, which is related with those elements that are necessary to exist upon any dry land; this vegetation is the transformer of that prime energy (Prana) called Yehidah יהידה. Therefore, it is written in the book of Genesis:

ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי־אור
“And Elohim said, Let Yehi be light: and Yehi was light.” – Genesis 1: 3

“And Yehi was so ויהי־ כן”, appear when the trees, plants appear in the third day:

“And Elohim said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the (Melach מלח, salt) dry land appear: and Yehi was so ויהי־ כן.” – Genesis 1: 9

And from that light, that is the outcome of the transformation of the dry land,  the mineral and plant kingdoms, comes the marvelous light that we see that formed the atmosphere of any planet, lights that are in the space, diluted of course into that water that we call Akash (or Etherokrilno).

So, in the previous lecture, we explained how HaMayim המים, the waters, are everywhere in the fourth dimension, that Akash is transformed into tattvas (or vibrations of Etherokrilno) and the tattvas are where the living souls of the elements abide.

The Akash and its tattvas are HaMayim המים, the waters that Genesis says:

“And Elohim said, let HaMayim המים, the waters bring forth abundantly (Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה) the living souls, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of the heavens,” – Genesis 1: 20

We talked in the last lecture, about those living souls. In the fifth lecture, we explained, that those living souls emerge from the elements, the tattvas and are precisely what we call in esotericism the elementals of plants and minerals, that are, of course, the intelligence of every plant, of every herb, of every mineral that work in the transformation of Yehidah יהידה in any planet. We see here in this graphic, which is a beautiful painting of Midsummer Nights Dream, the fourth dimension, which relates with these living souls that we are talking about and that is why we took this graphic, in order to explain it, since visual pictures are recorded in our minds in order to understand this better.

So, in this picture we see all those multitudes of elementals or consciousnesses from the tattvas, the elements that are in the fourth dimension. There we see a part of the Divine Mother, the fifth aspect of the Divine Mother that is called the elemental magi or the Fairy Mother, which in this case is represented by Titania, in that story of Shakespeare. This aspect of the Divine Mother relates always to HaMayim המים, the waters. This is why when we talk about the Divine Mother, we always address her related to Mah מה to the letter Mem and Hei ה of HaMayim המים, the waters, because she is creative water, in any aspect.

So, the elemental fairy, magi, mother relates to the sexual instinct, to the sexual power in HaMayim המים, the waters in the mineral kingdom, in the plant kingdom, in the animal kingdom and in the human kingdom. So, when we address the sexual energy, we address the fifth aspect of the Divine Mother. She is the one that in children’s tales we call the Fairy Godmother; we think she is only a tale to entertain children, but let me tell you that the elemental aspect of the Divine Mother exists in each one of us. There is not a single person without that aspect within. So, this is a beautiful symbol of the Divine Mother that is present any time that we are performing the sexual act.

In the last lecture, we studied and spoke about the fifth day in which the souls are in the fourth dimension related to HaMayim המים, the waters; but, on the sixth day it is stated:

“And Elohim said, Let us bring out (from the fourth dimension) the living creature after his kind and let us place them unto the earth, as cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” – Genesis 1: 24

Quan Yin

Such is precisely the topic of this lecture. In the next graphic, we see a beautiful image of Kuan Yin, which is of course the very essence of Yin, the Divine Mother. You know Ying-Yang, Yang is masculine, and Yin is feminine.

So, this is Kuan Yin, dancing in the style of Shiva. If you recall, thare is a graphic of Shiva dancing in that way, it’s because Kuan Yin is really Parvati, the wife of Shiva in Hinduism and her dance relates to that dance in which she is working with the light in order to bring down the souls into the physical plane. Of course, the dance of Kuan Yin is the same dance of Shiva, because remember that Shiva and Kuan Yin represent Father-Mother, or in other words, Chaiah חיה, the duality of the light of Jah יה.

In the first graphic, the holy name of Elohim is hidden in Iod-Hei יה which are the two fairies, King and Queen Fairy. She is Titania, and Oberon, the two aspects or Iod-Hei יה. And the other two aspects or Vav-Hei וה, are of course, the man and the woman that are sleeping there, that we call Adam and Eve; Vav-Hei וה are the fourth aspect, above and below. This is how we have to see יהוה, because Iod-Hei יה, the duality above, becomes Vav-Hei וה, the duality below, man and woman; both couples are Adam and Eve. Remember Chavah חוה (Eve), our genitalia are the “Mother of all living  כי הוא היתה אם כל־חי.”

“By the divine and human name of Shaddai שדי (sexual force), and by the sign of the pentagram that I hold in my right hand, in the name of the angel Anael אניאל (I am God), by the power of Adam  and Eve  who are Jah-Chavah יה-חוה, begone Lilith! Let us rest in peace, Nahemah!”

So, this “Adam and Eve who are Jah-Chavah יה-חוה” relate to letter Chet חת and to this lecture because on the sixth day (in Genesis 1: 27) is where, about Adam, it is written, “male and female created he them”, but before let us go first into Genesis 1: 24, because the sixth day of Genesis begins as follows:

“And Elohim said ויאמר אלהים, Let the earth bring forth the living souls after their kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” - Genesis 1: 24

It should be “And Elah-Yam said ויאמר אלה-ים,” as we explained in previous lectures; Elah-Yam means the sea goddess; why? It is because we are addressing Mah מה, Malkah מלכה (the Queen), Malkuth מלכות, the Earth, which is the very bottom of the Tree of Life. And as we explained in previous lectures, Malkuth מלכות, the Earth, is the outcome of the left side of the Tree of Life. When we address Malkah מלכה (the Queen), Malkuth מלכות, we also address the Moon, which is also related to the left side, because the Sun in the Tree of Life relates to the right side. So, the left is the woman, Ama אמא, the mother, the moon. Our Malkah מלכה (the Queen), Malkuth מלכות, emerged from the moon, which is the woman, physically speaking. Our physicality is Malkuth, which is feminine, as we always explain.

Therefore, the verse of Genesis states:

"And Elah-Yam said ויאמר אלה-ים, Let the earth bring Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, Living Souls out unto the earth (Malkuth) according to Minah מינה, sex." - Genesis 1: 24

Such is the alchemical translation, because the translators put according to their kind מינה, which also means sex. Therefore, we will say alchemically:

Let us bring these living souls unto the Earth according to the kind of sex they have, because without Chaiah חיה, life, the sexual energy, no souls can come into the Earth, and you know that, since we came from sex. Understand: during the sexual act, Chaiah חיה connected that which we call Nephesh נפש (soul) to the spermatozoid in the very moment of gestation, and together with the ovum, the fetus developed. So, the soul is in standby in a superior dimension waiting for that earth to be formed in order to enter into it, which will be his/her physical body. That happens not only to us, but to every single physical element in this three-dimensional world. Of course, the sixth day of genesis is addressing those creatures that relate to the Earth physically speaking, mainly those souls that incarnate into physical bodies and that we call animals (Hebrew Chaioth חיות).

Four Gospels

The word in the Bible Chaiah חיה means life, but also means animal, beast, brute. This is something very significant. The plural of Chaiah חיה is Chaioth חיות and we have, as we mentioned in the last lecture, a prayer that says “Chaioth HaKadosh חיות הקדוש” which means the holy animals, the holy creatures, the holy beasts which in the book of Ezequiel are an eagle (John), an ox (Luke), a lion (Mark) and a human being or an angel (Matthew).

Those Chaioth חיות relate to the superior aspect of Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, because when we say Nephesh נפש physically speaking, we are relating Nephesh נפש to the blood, the skin. The very soul that sustains the life of the physical body is called Nephesh נפש.

Remember that we said that every atom is a trio of matter, energy and consciousness. So, when we are addressing here the consciousness of the atom in the physical plane, we are talking about Nephesh נפש. That Nephesh נפש is that soul that evolves from the  mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom and finally, the intellectual animal kingdom. 

This is why when we said Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, we have specifically addressed the physicality, Chaioth חיות / Chaiah חיה.

From the words, Chai חי “life” and Chaioth חיות “animals”, comes another word, Chayim חיים, which is plural, as well as masculine. This is how the Tree of Life is called, in Hebrew: Otz עץ (“tree”) Chayim חיים, which is the plural of Chaiah חיה, life. So, Otz HaChayim עץ החיים is the Tree of Life.

Now, Chavah חוה Eve (the genitalia) relates to all of that which is perfect in Otz HaChayim עץ החיים, the Tree of Life, but also to Chaioth חיות which is also plural but feminine; so, Chaioth חיות is related to the lower aspect of Malkuth, and also to Hod, Netzach, Yesod: the four lower sephiroth of the Tree of Life.

But it is superior when we refer to Chayim חיים, which is precisely what the Bible says:

And Iod-Havah Elohim יהוה אלהים said, Behold, HaAdam האדם is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever (as any Chaioth חיות, beast).” – Genesis 3: 22

Meaning, if we want to eat from the Tree of Life, then we do not have to eat from the fruits of the Tree of Good and Evil as Chaioth חיות, beasts.  The fruits (children) of the Tree of Knowledge of the Good and Evil are the outcome of the orgasm of Chaioth חיות, the beasts, the outcome of Minah מינה, sex with orgasm.

Humanoids are those who eat from the Tree of the Good and Evil. They are related to Chaioth חיות, the living souls who are “after their kind (or Minah מינה, the sex)” that they have; namely, “cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth.”

So, in the Tree of Life, going from the top of the left side you find, namely: Binah, Geburah, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth. We are addressing Malkuth, the earth, where all those souls have to come. They’re coming from the superior worlds into Malkuth according to Yesod, Minah מינה, sex. Yes, this is how we come into this world, in accordance to Minah מינה, sex.

So, when in Kabbalah we address the left side, we address Binah בינה as you see, Binah בינה is Chaiah חיה, the duality, Father / Mother, that descends into Daath דעת in order to originate the world of Briah בריאה, creation. And from Daath דעת, Binah בינה, Chaiah חיה, descends into Geburah, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth.

In Geburah, as we explained in previous lectures, we have Buddhi, Neshamah נשמה, the third type of soul-spirit that relates to the human being, because the human being is Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth, the seven lower sephiroth. It relates to the man called Adam. That Adam is Chesed that is created in Briah בריאה. But also, that Adam becomes Moses when the individual creates, as we explained in a previous lecture, the causal body. When we create the causal body, then we have the right to be called Adam. Before that we don’t have the right to be called human or Adam, or human being.

When we reach the second triangle of the Tree of Life, we are working with the forces of the particular individual unity that we have within, which we call the Monad, in Greek, the individual monad of each one of us. Within that monad is Geburah, that we call the spiritual soul, but in Sanskrit is called Buddhi. And within that Buddhi, the spiritual soul, Geburah, is Neshamah נשמה, which is called the spiritual soul. If you observe the word Neshamah נשמה, in Hebrew, it is written Nun-Shin-Mem-Hei. If you remove the first letter Nun, then you are left with the word Moshe משה, Moses. So, the only difference between Neshamah נשמה and Moshe משה, Moses, is the letter Nun. 

That is why it is stated that Moshe משה, Moses, is the one that brings the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים from Malkuth, Mitzraim מצרים, Egypt. Because Tiphereth, Moses, the human soul, the causal body is the one that has to reunite all the living souls, the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים that in the true human being is called Israel. And this Israel is the image of Yehidah יהידה, which is the image of Elohim; so it is written that Adam was made into the image of Elohim.

Yehidah יהידה is light. And that light reflects in Neshamah, but does it through Chaiah חיה, the duality of Mother and Father. In other words, the image of Yehidah יהידה that is called Tzalem צלם, in Kabbalah, in Hebrew, the Tzalem צלם of Elohim, of Yehidah יהידה descends into Chaiah חיה, Father-Mother and they deposit that into Chesed (Abraham) and Chesed then develops according to Geburah, which is that Neshamah נשמה.

So, this is why in Kabbalah we state that Israel is in the universe diluted in the space, because it relates to Yehidah יהידה. So, that Israel as an image, Tzalem צלם, descends into Chaiah, into the Holy Spirit and then into the Monad of each one of us as Neshamah. Those are what we call the archetypes that will mold Adam, the human being into the image of Elohim, if we know how. Unfortunately, when descending Geburah into the physical world, since those archetypes are not completely developed, Geburah only sends one spark of that essence, that we call the Buddhadatu in Buddhism, that we call the essence, the embryo of soul. That embryo of soul descends into Hod, Yesod and Malkuth. And this is what we are, an embryo of soul, that, when it reaches the level in which we are, we can develop all the archetypes we carry within, if we know how. Indeed, remember that the rest of the animals that we find here in the physical world, they have also that essence, but the difference is that they don’t have the capability of developing it, because they don’t have intellect. The intellect, reasoning is that faculty that nature gave us freely, in order for us to work with those archetypes, with our Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים. The intellect is that faculty that allows us to determine our actions, rather than being moved by instinct. “Animals and creeping things,” don’t have that ability because they don’t use their intellect in the right way. That’s why in Kabbalah, you find that Geburah is ruled by Samael. And Samael is that power related with fire.

In previous lectures, we talked about the exorcism of water and the exorcism of the air, in Latin. The exorcism of fire is very simple; it relates to Tiphereth, Geburah and Hod, this triangle of the left side of the Tree of Life. In Kabbalah, the south, which is the left of the Tree of Life, relates to fire. We say in the exorcism of fire:

“Michael (which is Tiphereth), King of the Sun and of lightning, Samael (Geburah), king of volcanoes and earthquakes”

And then we descend into Hod:

Anael, prince of the astral light, assist me, in this lecture about the souls. Because all of that is related to them.

In the Zohar, they say that Samael has the power of the serpent, indeed he really hides the secret of death, which is annihilation. When the individual eats from the forbidden fruit, the angel of death, Geburah, acts under the command of Binah which is above, which is translated in the Bible as Jehovah Elohim or Iod-Havah Elohim. This is Samael Tzabaoth. Below here, we find Anael, in Hod; the Zohar states that the negative aspect of Hod, which is the eighth sphere of the Tree of Life, is called Lilith. And it is stated that before Eve was created Adam was having sexual relationships with Lilith, but not only Lilith, also with Naamah, which is Yesod, the two lower sephiroth.

So, Hod is Lilith and Yesod is Naamah in Klipoth; it is through Lilith and Naamah, in the animal kingdom, that the souls descend into Malkuth. We have to understand and comprehend that Lilith relates to the animal behavior, which is fornication, as does Naamah. These are the two wives of Adam, before having Eve as a wife.

Let me tell you, there is not any single person in this world without those two aspects within. We have Lilith and Nahemah, psychologically speaking, inside of us. So, if we don’t work on those animal aspects, we will continue in the world of beasts, Chaioth חיות, as simple individuals bound to the wheel of Samsara. That’s why it is written in the second graphic: “Let Us Bring (Nephesh Chaiah) living souls out unto the earth according to Minah מינה, sex.”

That’s the first phrase. This Nephesh Chaiah, “living souls,” relates to the archetypes of Israel. It’s a commandment for the initiate. It should be written: Let us bring out the archetypes of Israel according to Minah מינה, sex. Because it`s a sexual work that we have to do in order to bring them inside of us.

But the second statement says: “cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth according to Minah מינה, sex:

There are two kind of individuals who come into the earth. The creeping thing, cattle and beast of the earth relate of course, cattle, Behemah בהמה. This is how it is called in Hebrew. We find that in the third graphic.

It is stated:

“And Elah-Yam the Sea Goddess brought about Chaioth חיות of the earth according to their Minah מינה, sex.” - Genesis 1: 25

This also relates to initiates. Because our physical body is Chaiah חיה, an animal. We are Chaioth חיות, animals, physically speaking. But according to our sex, we can bring down the souls of Israel, our archetypes, the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, into our physicality. But then it is stated that Ath, Elah-Yam the Sea Goddess, the Schekinah brought:

“And Ath Behemah ואת־הבהמה, the cattle after their Minah מינה, sex.” – Genesis 1: 25

This word, Behemah בהמה, is a singular for Behemoth בהמות. You may have heard the word Behemoth בהמות before, well it is plural; Behemah בהמה is the singular. This word refers to any creature with four legs. However, there is also biped Behemah בהמה creatures with two legs, that walk as humanoids, but who in actuality are beasts, because only a Behemah בהמה, only the Behemoth בהמות reach the spasm of the orgasm related with Lilith לילית and Nahemah, which is also written Nehemah נהמה or Nechemah נחמה, even Naamah נעמה. These were the two women that marry the fallen Adam or the Behemah בהמה humanoid (דמוי אדם) before the creation of Adam.

So, that`s why we find in this planet Earth that the whole humanity (the Behemah בהמה humanoid - דמוי אדם) are children of Lilith and Nahemah.

The Behemoth בהמות are the beasts of the earth; so, as you see, there are many types of Behemoth בהמות, donkeys, bulls, etc, they are Behemoth בהמות that nehemah נהמה, which is a Hebrew word that means, “bellows, roars.” This is why when I said Behemah בהמה, I can bring into my mind the word Nehemah נהמה or Nechemah נחמה (comfort), or even Naamah נעמה, which means beauty, physical beauty.

Behold this humanity: it is identified with physical beauty. We will call it Behemah בהמה, Nehemah נהמה or Nahemad נחמד. These feminine words relate to the moon. In this day and age, all men want to have the physique of a body builder, strong. Even women now are trying to be physically in shape, they are identified with their physicality. That is Behemah בהמה or Behemoth בהמות. And even with their sexuality. When somebody has a nice shape body, they say: “Oh, look how sexy he or she is,” because Nahemah is related with sex. The animal magnetism of Behemah בהמה or Behemoth בהמות relates to the physicality. Its power is in the solar plexus, fire.

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And of course, that is related with the graphic that we see there, that if we investigate any “humanoid” in the internal planes, what type of soul they have, you may see physically the shape of a human being, but internally, they are like that Nick Bottom of Shakespeare, that donkey in that story who is very intellectual. The transformation of that character into a donkey is symbolic, because the donkey is the symbol of the intellectual animal; it is that donkey that Jesus of Nazareth rides in order to enter triumphantly into Jerusalem. To ride the donkey is one thing, it is another thing entirely when the donkey is riding the soul, which is what happens in this day and age. This donkey, of course, is a symbol of sexuality: men that become proud of their body and even of their sexual power related to Behemah בהמה Nehemah. We find in this graphic women that are very identified with their vanity, with their beauty which is called Naamah, Nahemah, physicality, they are completely materialistic. Unfortunately, present humanity is like that. But, we have to understand that those elements exist in every one of us. Sad is the one that develops that, like in this humanity. They only want to develop their physicality, children of Nahemah.

Yet, worse are the creeping things because it also says there:

“And everything that creepeth upon HaAdamah the ground after their Minah מינה, sex.” – Genesis 1: 25

What is that creeping thing? They are the children of Lilith. The children of Lilith are also those that develop witchcraft, sorcery, all of that related to the ego, with the animal. And some of them become psychic, clairvoyants. We have creeping things studying Kabbalah. In many religions we find creeping things that creepeth like the serpent, tempting serpent of Eden.

So, this is very common because in this day and age we find a lot of people that are very identified with esotericism and develop powers, but they are fornicators according to Minah מינה, sex. They think they will go to heaven by behaving like animals. But you see how the sixth day of Genesis makes the difference. One thing is to develop the Chaioth Ha Kadosh according to Minah מינה, sex, which we are teaching here, we have to develop the archetypes. And another thing is to develop Behemah בהמה and the creeping thing according to Minah מינה, sex, which is very common. We have been doing this throughout centuries. There are many “creeping things” that are knowledgeable of Kabbalah, esotericism, religions and other aspects. Every religion is phallic. The origin of every religion is phallic, which means that it comes from the phallus, from the positive aspect and develops in the uterus which is represented, in the physical world, as a church, temple, sinagogue, mosque. That is the feminine aspect. That`s why in Gnosticism, we pronounce two secret words in order to emphasize that: Kyrie Phalle which means “the holy phallus.” And then we say: Kyrie Mythras, which means “the holy womb.” Those who say that only the phallus is the origin of religion are wrong because the phallus without a womb, without a uterus, can do nothing.

So, we have the power of man, phallus, but we need the uterus in order to create. And that is why in order to develop any religion or any philosophy, when the phallus is acting according to Minah מינה, sex, according to the superior phallus, that superiority is symbolized in the circumcision. Why do you think in the circumcision the skin of the phallus is cut? It is a symbol of cutting the animal that we have, because there is not a single person without that animality within. To cut the skin of the phallus, to circumcise it means to cut that animality and to enter into the superior type of sexuality. Of course, we will say that not all people that have the circumcision in the physical world are doing that. That’s why Paul of Tarsus states: “One thing is the circumcision in the physical body and another thing is the spiritual circumcision.” Which is the creation of that spiritual man inside, through the transmutation of Minah מינה, sex. Indeed, if we just continue fornicating, spilling the seed like animals, or as the creeping things, because the creeping thing is also black tantra, we will never bring down the archetypes of Israel.

There are certain creeping humans or animals that teach black tantra, how to develop psychic powers through black tantra, with the ejaculation of the sexual energy like the animals. That develops the tempting serpent of Eden which we call the Kundabuffer. So, creeping things are very abundant in this day and age of the Kali Yuga. Also, there are those creeping things that reject the opposite sex, thinking that they can develop by rejecting, by hating the sexual act. And that is wrong, because in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven, it is necessary to be born by the action of the water and the spirit, the sexual energy of the Divine Mother, because when we say water, we are addressing the Divine Mother and the Father too,  Mi and Mah, Father-Mother.

So, that’s why it is written at the end of that verse:

“And Elah-Yam, the sea goddess, saw that it was good.” – Genesis 1: 25

The transformation of what we are talking about here, whether as animal or as an initiate, is necessary for the economy of nature. Nature is a living organism that needs to be fed. For an animal to fornicate and to spill the sexual energy, well, that is natural in the animal kingdom. Nature does not care about this. Whether the animal is irrational or rational, it is ok, because nature is subsisting with that transformation. It is good in other words. But if we do it for our own benefit, that is also good, but in spirit, consciously, in an upright manner, not in the mechanical manner.

Donkey and fairies

Behold there that beautiful donkey sharing the power of sex with other fairies there, but obviously is a Behemah בהמה, the Behemah בהמה according to Minah מינה, sex.

So, there is another myth in which the magician is transformed into a donkey that is called the golden ass of Apuleius; a very beautiful tale in which one recognizes and admits that one is a donkey, but that they want to become a human being. The whole story is a story of that donkey, Apuleius that transformed into a donkey. This represents us; symbolically speaking, all of us are Apuleius, donkeys. Since childhood we are always proud of sex and talking about sex: how many women or how many men, etc, etc…blah, blah, blah… this is how we, Nehemah נהמה, bellow like a Behemah בהמה. This is this present humanity. Observe: everybody is proud and vain of their own sexuality. The most beautiful, according to society, their physical bodies look, the more they appear in newspapers, magazines, in websites. “Look at this Behemah בהמה,” they say, “how sexy he or she looks.” Symbols of male and female intellectual donkeys, they symbolize that. Yet, to stop being an intellectual donkey is very difficult, it is not easy.

And that’s precisely what we are going to explain. Let us begin with the duality of the sexual force, the symbol of which is the serpent, which we talked about or mentioned in the previous lecture in relation with the word Tanin תנין. This word Tanin תנין is in the dictionary translated as “crocodile” but in the Bible it appears as the word “serpent.” Nachash נחש means serpent, and yet Seraph שרף is another word for serpent. It is written:

“And יהוה said unto Moses, make thee a fiery serpent (seraph שרף, plural seraphim שרפים - Geburah), and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looks upon it, shall live (Chai חי – Binah).” – Numbers 21: 8

“And the serpent (VaHaNachash והנחש) was more cunning than any beast of the field which יהוה אלהים had made.” – Genesis 3: 1

The bible, precisely in the book of Exodus, states that Elohim is telling Moses:

“When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a Tanin תנין serpent.” - Exodus 7: 9

So, the word that is written for serpent is Tanin תנין, which as we said means, “crocodile.” The Leviathan לויתן is that Levi-Tanin לויתנין which is related to an aquatic animal, it relates to the water, in this case a serpent, as Genesis state:

And Elohim created Ath the Taninm, the big sizes, את־התנינם הגדלים, and every Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, living soul that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their Minah מינה, sex, and every winged fowl after their Minah מינה, sex: and Elohim saw that it was good.

“Ath את alludes to the two great fishes called Leviathan, symbolizing the male and female principles (of the Schekinah שכינה) that manifests itself in every (genital) part of creation.”

“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: For they (are the male and female principles of the Schekinah שכינה that) shall be an ornament of grace (Levit לוית) unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.” Proverbs 1: 8, 9 - Zohar

 This is why in Exodus it is written:

“And there went a man of the house of Levi (the male Levithan לויתן), and took to wife a daughter of Levi (the female Levithan לויתן)…

And the (Tanin תנין Serpent) woman (of Levi לוי) took the child and nursed it. And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses, Moshe  (משה to draw): and she said, Because I drew him out משיתהו of HaMayim המים, the waters.” - Exodus 2: 1, 9, 10

“And the (Levithan לויתן, Serpent) woman.” Remember that the mother of Moses was a woman from Levi לוי and from that name comes Levi לוי Tanin תנין or in other words the female Leviathan לויתנין.

Mitzraim מצרים represents the sexual fluidic force (Mayim מים) in our physical body (Malkuth) that form (Tzar צר) bodies in her womb, the Earth, the physical world and superior worlds. This is how the body of good will, Moses, grew, being nursed by the physicality of the daughter of the pharaoh and he became her son. She called his name Moses, Moshe (משה to draw): and she said, “Because I drew him out משיתהו of HaMayim המים, the creative sexual waters.”

Behold the graphic of that serpent, which in this case represents the Seraph שרף, the serpent that was healing the Israelites in the wilderness; it is the serpent that in Hinduism is called Nāgá (नाग). It is the positive polarity. It is not HaNachash הנחש, the tempting serpent of Eden.


Behold here the two women floating with Krishna, which in this case symbolize the same Pharaoh's daughter (Mitzraim מצרים, Malkuth) and Ath את, the Schekinah שכינה, the mother of Moses, the same archetypical symbols. Thus, as Moses was drew out of HaMayim המים, the waters, likewise, the serpent is drawing Krishna out of HaMayim המים, the creative sexual waters. Krishna has in his right hand a flute. That flute has the seven notes of the spinal column: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si, the seven chakras, which of course is the same rod of Aaron, because in that medulla or spinal column rises the Kundalini which is Ath את, the Schekinah שכינה, the power of the magician. This is how Krishna is born. This is how Moses, the causal body, is born in any bodhisattva, and in each one of us. 

moses and the burning bush

Now, in the next graphic, we find another beautiful picture: Moses, who represents the causal body, is before the burning bush and Elohim speaks to him, saying: “Eheieh Asher Eheieh אהיה אשר אהיה, I Become Who Becomes.” Remember that when we say “Who” (Asher אשר) we are addressing Chaiah חיה. Kether is Eheieh אהיה, “I Become”; in other words, the force that becomes. And “Who Becomes” (Asher Eheieh אשר אהיה) is Chaiah חיה. This is the same trinity expressing itself in different aspects.

Moses is covering his face, he does not dare to look at God, face to face. He is seeing God, but at the same time is avoiding looking directly at him. It reminds me of when Cain killed Abel. And Cain says to God:

“Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that  every one that finds me shall slay me.” – Genesis 4: 14

And that happens because Cain killed Abel. All the hosts of heaven want to kill Cain because Cain killed Abel, which is the soul or the good aspect of the Tree of Life. So, God casts Cain out of Eden, for being a fornicator, because it is through fornication that Cain (the mind, Netzach) killed Abel, the soul, Tiphereth. And in the story of Moses, before going into the Mount Sinai and before going to Jethro, his father-in-law, Moses kills an Egyptian. The pharaoh and his people are looking for Moses in order to kill him, because he killed an Egyptian.

Can you see the similarities there?

Both killed somebody else and now he is facing God. It is the symbol of all of us. Cain is our mind. That is why it says that Moses is the ruler of Netzach, because Moses is willpower, the superior manas. In order for that superior manas to emerge within us, we have to control Behemah בהמה, the mind, the donkey, as Jesus showed in the Gospels, in order to enter into the heavenly Jerusalem, the mount of Sinai, Tiphereth.

So, when Moses reaches the mount of Sinai, Tiphereth, he sees God; this means that he is already controlling his own particular Cain, the one that killed the Egyptian, the same Cain that killed Abel in the field. The field alludes to sexuality; Yesod is the field. So, therefore, Moses being there represents an initiate that reached the Fifth Initiation of the Major Mysteries and is before his own particular Elohim. His own particular God says:

“By following the doctrine of circumcision, you created your Astral Body, Mental Body, and Causal Body. Therefore, you are right now here before me, because you built the Causal Body. You remember when you were Cain and I told you that you will be ejected because you were a killer of your own soul. And you told me: “From thy face shall I be hid.” Now, you are acknowledging your sins. You are acknowledging your defects, your vices and all of that evil that you have within. Right?

So, please, said God, do not come here as a sanctimonious person, because you are not. You built the solar bodies. You were born again thanks to Binah, so, do not boast of being holy because you are not holy. You want to be one with me, ok, go down to Egypt and liberate Israel. Which are all the parts of your Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים. Then, we talk.”

This is what happens to any Initiate. But most of the initiates that reach the Fifth Initiation of the Major Mysteries, they boast of it, and they think they are holy. Holy macaroni, maybe! But not holy. Even though in English we say: “Holy Moses”, yeah, but after he brings all Israel to the promised land and he dies, then he is Holy Moses. Before that he is not Holy Moses. It is just a Nachemah נחמה, or in other words an individual Chaiah חיה, life.

Behold this is what we have to understand. In this world, we have Chaioth חיות. That Chaioth חיות is positive and negative. It relates to all the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים of Israel trapped within our animality.

As a single person, you work with your archetypes. For instance, let us look to a good example of a single person that did not want to practice sexual magic: Yogananda. He became a Holy Chaioth Ha Kadosh, but still animal.

Do not mistake Chaioth חיות with Behemoth בהמות. Behemoth בהמות is different, it is cattle. They are the beast of the Earth, whether they are the intellectual beasts or irrational beasts, they are beasts. And, they behave like beasts. They multiply like beasts and die like any beast. As Solomon stated:

“I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of Adam, that HaElohim האלהים might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are Behemoth בהמות, beasts.

For that which befalls the sons of Adam befalls Behemoth בהמות, beasts; even one thing befalls them: as the one dies, so dies the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that HaAdam האדם has no preeminence above a Behemah בהמה, beast: for all is vanity. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

“Who” (Asher אשר) knows the spirit of Adam that goes upward, and the spirit of the Behemah בהמה, the beast that goes downward to the earth (for the second death).” – Ecclesiastes 3: 18-21

But when somebody reaches the level of Chaiah חיה Chaioth חיות as Yogananda, he reaches a degree of holiness, according to his own level. Yogananda did not create the Astral, Mental, and Causal Bodies, thus, there are many people that work in the Chaiah חיה level, the Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה in different levels. But the Book of Genesis specifies that in the seventh day.

So, after that conception of God by Moses, that is, after one reaches that level, after one built the causal body and even took the Direct Path, then one can reach the level of Adam made into the image of God. Remember that Ath HaAdam את־האדם into the image of God is related with the sixth day not with the fifth. In the fifth, you can become human. But a hasnamuss human. What is a hasnamuss? A hasnamuss is half human, half beast. At that level one has roughly or a lot of Behemah בהמה inside. And a lot of creeping things. Don’t think that just because someone reaches the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries this person does not have Behemah בהמה within, the creeping thing within. They have it. These relate to Lilith and Nahemah inside. So, to become into the image of God, we have to annihilate Behemah בהמה, our Behemoth בהמות, our bestiality completely, psychologically speaking.

Because one thing is to conquer Behemah בהמה psychologically, in Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, and Tiphereth. But another thing is to conquer it in Geburah which is the next step, because if we count the sephiroth from the bottom: Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth then we reach the left side which is Geburah, the fire. And in Geburah you have to descend into Klipoth, if you want to perfect those archetypes that you have in Geburah. They descended and mixed with Nephesh, the left side of the tree of Life and are slaves of the pharaoh (the mind, Netzach).

So, God is saying to Moses: go down and liberate Israel. All of those archetypes, all the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים of Israel trapped within your animality, and then you will be different, because God as Iod-Havah of hosts (יהוה צבאות) is a unity and Moses is still not Moses Tzabaoth (משה צבאות) another unity.

Minerva and Prometheus making the human being

Behold here the seventh graphic. We see the back of Prometheus-Lucifer, of Greek mythology, and Athena, the daughter of Jupiter that emerged from his own head (Kether, Chokmah, Binah). Between them is the making of man. The feminine and the masculine are making the man in accordance with Greek mythology. It is written that Prometheus made the man of clay. Remember that the Bible said the same thing, making the man of clay, clay [the earth], his physicality.

“And (אלה-ים) Elah-Yam, the Sea Goddess said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” - Genesis 1: 26

In other words, that Adam made into the image of El HaYam (אל-הים) and after the likeness of Elah-Yam (אלה-ים), the two aspects of Binah, is that Adam that controlled the lower kingdoms, controlled the Behemah בהמה, beasts of the Earth whether they are intellectual or not intellectual. Remember, Chaiah חיה is the other word that we used for Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, living souls. In other words, the initiate has to acquire complete control over the tattvas.

You see, when Moses escapes from Egypt, out of Malkuth, out of Mitzraim, and passes through the two waters of Yesod into the promised land, he displays the power that he developed by annihilating Nahemah, the white moon, because this is how the initiate brings Israel into the physical world, “Let us bring living souls out into the earth”, means into our physicality. It means that the physical body has to become Nephesh Chaiah. When I said this remember that when the book of Genesis addresses Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, living soul, it is addressing the cattle, and other animals on the Earth, which are living souls but not made into the image of God.

For instance, an eagle is a Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, a living soul. It’s a beautiful creature, the creation of nature that has all the capabilities of being an eagle. A lion has all the capabilities of being a lion. An ox or bull has all the capabilities of being a bull. Each of them is a Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, a living soul. But when we reach the level of intellectual beast or intellectual Behemah בהמה, like the Bible says, or that “creeping thing” that is very abundant in this day and age... can we say that these intellectual creatures are Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, a living soul in the sense of a human being? No! When we are in this level in which we are, we are Behemoth בהמות, weaker than an eagle, a lion or a bull because we are not a human Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה. It is written:

"And Iod-Havah יהוה אלהים (Binah בינה) formed Ath-HaAdam את־האדם of the dust of HaAdamah האדמה the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, breath of life; and HaAdam האדם became a Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, living soul." - Genesis 2: 7

In order to become a Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה, a living soul into the image of Iod-Havah יהוה אלהים (Binah בינה), we have to annihilate the animality within. And that is a task of Moses, as we explained in the previous lecture. We have to reach that level in which we are a hasnamuss. As I say, I understand the importance of explaining what a hasnamuss is. I said that it is a creature between human and beast. And every single person in this physical world is a hasnamuss. But when we reach the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries, we are in the danger of becoming a hasnamuss of double polarity. And that is something that we have to explain in order to understand.

Please, listen. It is one thing is to be a hasnamuss of double polarity... everybody is a hasnamuss, but a hasnamuss with a double polarity is a very different thing. It means that the individual awoke as a master internally, because he has built the causal body, but in the physical world his / her Behemah בהמה, his beast, in other words, his human soul is awakened in evil and for evil. That means that such a Monad has a double polarity, awakened in two ways, in good and in evil. That is precisely the danger, because then the individual in the physical world, because he is awakened, he thinks: “Oh, I did the holy work already”, without realizing that he has those elements within. And to awake as a hasnamuss with double polarity is to become a really dangerous individual. Fallen angels are hasnamussen, with double polarity.

Personally, I had an experience with a very powerful hasnamuss that in the Bible is named Moloch. His Behemah בהמה, bestiality is very awakened. It relates to Geburah because he’s a king that swallows the children. In the conjuration of the seven, we say: “Begone from us Moloch. We deny thee our children to devour” in Geburah. Those children are the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, living souls of Israel. This is what we have to understand, because when we fall into awakening in evil, all the children of Israel are bottled up, all the archetypes are trapped in hell. They are lost until that Behemah בהמה is disintegrated. Many fallen angels are like that, with that Behemah בהמה very strong and that is why they are called hasnamussen with double polarity. Understand this. In order to address more this topic, it’s coming into my mind what Master Samael Aun Weor said:

“From Venezuela and Colombia only a harvest of hasnamussen of double polarity will come.” He said that. I didn’t say it. I’m just repeating. So, we have to be careful.

That’s why Master Samael Aun Weor says:

Those that disintegrate the ego beforehand, meaning, before reaching the level of Moses, the fifth initiation, are healed beforehand. That’s why all those that have still not reached that level, annihilate your ego, so when you reach the Fifth Initiation, no danger. Problem is to reach the Fifth Initiation with the ego very alive. With that creeping thing inside and Behemoth בהמות inside, then we can deviate many souls. So, the clue is not to follow anybody, but to follow the Lord, Christ.

So, the acquisition of the archetypes or the incarnation of Geburah who has the archetypes, in the physical world has two steps. But let me talk only about the first, which is related with the white moon. The initiate has to annihilate the egos, all of that creeping thing related with the 96 laws, related with the sphere of hell, which is called Yesod-Limbo. Then, when one reaches that level of the annihilation of the egos of the 96 laws, one incarnates Geburah. The incarnation of Geburah is only for those that annihilate those egos. And then the whole monad (Chesed and Geburah) is incarnated in the physical world. This is how living souls come into the Earth related with initiation.

Do not fall into the mistake of thinking that because somebody reaches the Fifth Initiation they are a living soul. No, they are not a living soul, they are just a master of the Fifth Initiation. In order to be an incarnated living soul, or in other words, to be a reincarnation of a Being, you have to reach the level of Moses and to descend, and to work very hard in the physical world; then, little by little, with the annihilation of the ego, that light crystallizes little by little, your Geburah in you. And then we say: “Behold, a master that has the right now to enter into the rest of the Second Mountain”

Before that, how are you going to enter into the Second Mountain? The Second Mountain relates to Lilith, and all those creeping things that are not easy to find. You need a lot of consciousness in order to see them. That’s why it is laughable to find, in this day and age, people that have not achieved that, not even annihilated the Behemah בהמה in themselves and yet they say they are Christs. When you observe them internally, they have the ego very fat. In Gnosticism, in this day and age we only know one being that annihilated Nahemah and Lilith within: Samael Aun Weor, because he faced kamaduro and karmasaya. Karmasaya: karma of adultery, Kamaduro: karma of fornication

He died and resurrected. The rest who are in the path have to work a lot in the annihilation of the creeping thing and behemoth inside of us, in order to reach the level of Adam into the image and likeness of the One above. That’s why in the 8th graphic it is written:


“So, Elohim [gods and goddesses] created Ath-HaAdam את־האדם in their own image, in the image of Elohim created they Adam, male and female created they them." - Genesis 1: 27

You see Adam is in the left side, is precisely Shiva Shakti, the two polarities. Male and female created they them.

They are Elohim because Elohim is Abba and Aima, Father and Mother creating their own image which is the duality, the Adam androgynous.

“And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them, Para VaRabi פרו ורבו Bear fruit and Master and replenish the earth.” – Genesis 1: 28

In the Bible this is translated as “be fruitful and multiply.” Because this word “and rabah” ורבו or rabbi has many translations. A Rabbi is a master, but it can also be related to multiplication as well. And the word “Para פרו“ means to bear fruit or be fruitful. But let us study this in order not to fall into confusion.

It says “bear fruit.” What is the element that bears fruit in this nature? Mineral kingdom, plant kingdom or animal kingdom? What do you see the fruits of the Earth? In the plant kingdom, right?

So, bear fruit means imitate the tree, the burning bush. That’s why we said in the previous lecture that God is represented there as a Yehi, the light that comes from the supra-dimensions that manifests into the physical plant kingdom. Because the elementals that are within the plant kingdom never fornicate. They transmute and that’s why they’re full of beautiful flowers and fruits. That’s the outcome of chastity. We call it the Tree of Life, the burning bush, because if we associate God with an animal, well, animals fornicate. Animals spill the sexual force, so that is incongruent. That is why in Kabbalah we associate the burning bush, the Tree of Life with God, because every plant transmutes the solar light in a chaste manner; you will see now that we’re approaching summer, how the plants will be full of flowers and fruits.

So, when the commandments say unto those androgynous ones, “bear fruit.” Well, the only element that bears fruit is a tree. Let us be clear, the commandment is to “bear fruit” it does not say “ejaculate your semen”, “be a fornicator.” And, as we said, the word Rabbi means to be a master. To be a master means to develop mastery in order to replenish the Earth, which is the physicality that we have. It does not mean that you are going to replenish the Earth with a lot of children, as people think. Indeed, in this day and age we find a lot of people that read this literally, they study Kabbalah and multiply and have a lot of children thinking in that way that they’re following the commandments. But to bear fruit as a tree is to transform the light of the cosmos as a tree in us; and, to develop the fruits of the Tree of Life in the spinal column which are all the inner senses, the spiritual senses and master them, which is to be a Rabbi. But if you take it literally, you say multiply and have a lot of children. That’s easy. Why is God going to say: have a lot of children when we already have a lot of children? But to bear fruit and to be a master of yourself, that’s different. That is Moses. To develop your mastery means to be developing your perfection in mastery, in other words by developing the fruits that you have within.

“And subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. - Genesis 1: 27, 28

So, anyhow when you develop that like Moses, you have dominion over the sea, as you see in Exodus how Moses shows his power over the water, the air, the fire. He makes a column of fire in order to avoid the people that are fornicators to mix with the children. But anyhow already some of them are mixed in the Exodus. The fowl of the air are related to people that use the mind in the wrong way and over every living thing that moved upon the Earth.

Such is the real man into the image of God, the real man that controls the forces of nature. Are we that Adam? We are not! But we can become if we know how to utilize our sexuality.

So, then we have the next statement of the sixth day of genesis, where we find this graphic with the seven chakras that we showed in the previous lecture, related with that Adam that is developing the powers of the tattvas within themselves, by following the doctrine that we are teaching here.


“And Elohim said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” - Genesis 1: 29

When you read this, if you read it literally, you will say: “Oh, I shall become a vegetarian. Only eating fruit and vegetables” No! That’s not the meaning of it. Remember that every plant transforms the force of Yehidah in the positive manner. So, there is plenty of energy there. So, feed yourself with that energy, because the seed in itself is the outcome of the transformation of that energy. That’s why when you take the fruit of a tree it is juicy, delicious. When you eat a plant, there is a lot of energy.

So, in this case it is telling the initiate: feed yourself as a plant, feed your sexual seed that is precisely the synthesis of Yehidah and Chaiah, which is nature. For that, we have to practice many exercises, but mainly the tantra in which you transform the sexual energy in yourself, and you are feeding your psyche. Remember that you want to become a Nephesh Chaiah, an Adam made into the image, the Tzalem of Yehidah, of God. And for that, of course, you need the seed. That seed is in you, it is the sperm. It doesn’t say there that the trees yielding the seed, but you have to eat that. To eat it is to transform your sperm in yourself in the right way. So, do not eat it as an animal.

wheel of life2

Now, if you study the 10th graphic, behold there: this graphic is taken from Buddhism, but it exactly fits the next verse. Genesis 1: 29 is for the initiates, now Genesis 1: 30 is for those that are not initiates that are just following the machinery of nature. 

“And to every beast of the earth, and to every [intellectual] fowl of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the ground [those people who work with the negative aspect of the sexual energy], wherein there is life (meaning wherein there is Chaiah, Chai, life], I have given every green herb for food and Yehi was so.”   - Genesis 1: 30

wheel of life1

So, you don’t see here the seed for the grass. For the initiates you have seed and the fruit, but here only green herb, because this is what the animal does. The seed of the grass is on top of it, but the behemoth, the bull, the donkey, horse and all those animals which are quadrupeds eat the grass with the seed. They transform it and that’s it. This is merely to be alive, physically. But when we do it, we transform it. That is why it says: “For the rest, only grass.” Because, if you ejaculate your sexual force, you are not taking the seed. You are just sustaining your physical life, and that is it. Of course, you find here the beast of the earth, the pig. The fowl of the air, the rooster. And the creeping thing that creeps on the ground, the serpent. Is it coincidence or is it because it is taken from the same source? Judaism comes from Hinduism, because Hinduism is more ancient religion than Judaism.

Many symbols, archetypes that you find in Hinduism are in Buddhism. Somebody asked me: “why do you always associate Judaism with Buddhism or Hinduism?” Because Gnosis in this day and age is Buddhism and Christianity together. That is what Gnosis is. What is the root of Buddhism? It is Hinduism. What is the root of Christianity? It is Judaism. You see how we always address and point the other two religions because they are together, they associate. When we study the archetypes, we see that they associate with each other.

Well, those beast of the earth, fowl of the earth and those creeping things that are in the center of the wheel of samsara mandala follow the machinery of the moon. The machinery of the white moon, Nahemah, the machinery of the black moon, Lilith. And they go into the cycles of devolution and evolution, which follows that wheel of samsara. And of course, “and Yehi was so,” because Yehi, Yehidah, the light always returns and illuminates life, whether we are submitted to the lunar machinery. When the ego is disintegrated in hell, Yehi, the light that is liberated in the abyss, returns to Yehidah and “it was so.” If we do it through our own will then that light returns through our spinal column like Moses, “And Yehi was so.”

Now, let us go into the 11th graphic.

tree of life twelve bodies

“And the Elohim saw every thing that they had made, and behold, it was Tob Meod טוב מאד Very Good.” - Genesis 1: 31

You do not find the phrase, Tob Meod טוב מאד (“very good”) in the other days of Genesis that Elohim had made. It is found only on the sixth day, because here is where the creation of Adam אדם (Meod מאד) is done. When we reach this day, the whole creation is done, made. However, if we are in the fifth day, on the fourth day, on the third day, second or first, the work is not yet Tob Meod טוב מאד (“very good”); it is still in the process of being made.

As we stated, “very good” in Hebrew is Tob Meod טוב מאד. In this phrase is hidden two words: Od and Ob, the two polarities of the light. Ob and Od; moon and sun; good and evil; positive and negative. So, that’s why it says:

“And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” - Genesis 1: 31

If we ever reach the sixth day, then we are very good. If we reach the fifth day, creating Moses, we are good. If we reach the fourth day, we are good, too. If we reach the third day, we are good. Second day, we are neither good nor evil; there is no mention of the second day being “good.” It is Yesod, the waters that are polluted. The first is good. But the sixth is very good, Tob Meod.

Now, let us read what the Zohar says about these two words very good, Tob Meod טוב מאד:

"This is the esoteric meaning of the words: "And Elohim saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good."

The word טוב Tob 'Good' designates the Angel Lord of Life. Which is in the right side of the Tree of Life.

The word מאד Meod 'Very' designates the Angel Lord of Death. Which is in the left of the Tree of Life." - Zohar

In the left side is Geburah, Samael, the lord of Death, the one that teaches you how to annihilate the ego. If you don’t do it, Moloch will take care of you in hell.

By redemption, טוב Tob 'Good' is strengthened. So, by annihilating the ego we are redeeming Israel from us and of course death is conquered in victory as Paul of Tarsus says. Because we are defeating ourselves here and now.

"And Meod מאד 'Very' (the sinful Adam, Tiphereth) is weakened and has no longer power over the child." - Zohar

When you read the former in the Zohar, “have no power over the child” you may think “oh, my son, my child, my daughter.” No! Your child is Israel. It means that when you redeem yourself from any of those two moons, Lilith and Nahemah, your child, one’s particular Israel, a child incarnated, trapped within those psychological elements that are your egos, is liberated. If you annihilate the ego, you liberate that child. So, the second death no longer has power over that child, over that particular archetype that you liberated. But you have to liberate all Israel until all the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, the living souls of Israel are conquering death. Or as we say in Kabbalah, until Jacob is conquering Samael:

Jacob and the Angel Samael

“And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled an Eish (איש male fire) with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.  And he said, Let me go, for the day breaks. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with Elohim אלהים and with Enoshim אנשים, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (Pineal): for I have seen Elohim אלהים face to face, and my life is preserved.” – Genesis 32: 24-30

The logos Samael can act mechanically in Kliphoth. But initiatically, you are defeating the power of Scorpio-Samael in the lunar aspect, in the mechanical aspect; yet, thanks to him you are comprehending your ego and you are, of course, liberating your children. Otherwise, the children of Israel will be swallowed by Moloch, in the Klipothic Geburah and that is sad because this is what happens with this humanity.

Behold the story of Moloch. If you read the Paradise Lost, you can find how this Moloch was fed with children, sacrificed in the altar. Of course, this has its esoteric meaning that I am explaining here. That is what is important. The children of Geburah are the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, living souls, all the aspects of Israel. Every time that you annihilate an ego, you liberate light, a child of Israel who is no longer a slave of Lilith and Nahemah. Otherwise, you are a fornicator still trapped in those moons that are very common. So, this is how we have to understand what the sixth day of Genesis is, to bring the souls into the earth.

Do you have questions?

Audience: About circumcision, Paul says it is not important, but Peter says the contrary, why?

Instructor: Let me give you an explanation about that because I read it too. Peter is a rock that the builders rejected. And of course, Peter relates to circumcision. But it means spiritual circumcision. Because in order to build the temple inside of you, which is the wife of God, you have to have the doctrine, the Gospel of Peter. The secret of that is the Maithuna, sexual magic. If you reject the woman as a man, or man as a woman, then you are not following the doctrine of Peter because you need to build the church. “Upon this rock I will build my church.” Once the church is built, you have a choice: to continue annihilating the ego as a single person or to be married. That’s up to you. Paul of Tarsus had that gift that he already, because he is the master Hilarion, and he created his inner bodies beforehand. And he was single.

I would like that all of you have the gift that I have meaning the Astral Solar Body, the Mental Solar Body and the Causal Solar Body. But if you don’t have it, well it’s better for you to marry than to burn in hell. Because if you don’t build those bodies you are condemned to go into the machinery of nature. This is what Paul says. And of course, because at that time, as in this time, people still think that if you receive the physical circumcision, then you are following the law of God. But I know because I have friends in different parts of the world that are circumcised and that study Kabbalah. I have a particular friend in Canada, he is an orthodox Jew. He studies Kabbalah every Saturday. And he said that in order to be very well concentrated in the study of the Zohar, he smokes marijuana. And I said: “Well. Good luck for you. You want to study the Zohar with marijuana. Are you stupid or what?” “No, no. Whatever you say but I’m always well concentrated with marijuana.”

“And you transmute sexual energy?”

“No. Because the Rabbi did not teach me that yet.”

So, you can be circumcised physically but not spiritually, and that is worthless. There are many men that are circumcised, but they do not follow the doctrine. So, their circumcision is worthless, pointless. To the gentiles, Paul went and said: “It is not necessary to do that physically. I will teach you how to be circumcised in spirit.” And Paul was teaching the gentiles how to transmute, how to be circumcised in the spirit, but of course the traditional Jews that followed Peter of the old law were contradicting him: in order for them to be really on the path, they have to be circumcised physically. And Paul says: “no, it’s not necessary.” Like you for instance. If you are circumcised, it’s good.  If you are not circumcised, it’s good too, if you follow the law. But if you are circumcised and you are fornicating, you´re just wasting your time. And if you are not multiplying the fruits of the Tree of Life in yourself, in order to become a master, but you are just multiplying like the beast of the earth thinking that’s the commandment, you are lost too. You can justify yourself in many ways, but that’s precisely the point in your question.

Circumcision is something that hides the symbolism of cutting the skin of the phallus, meaning, to cut that bestiality that we have, in order to transmute. And that is precisely why the hidden mystery of the circumcision is followed by many; not only the Jews circumcise themselves but also the people from Islam. But all of them, I see them, have a lot of children. I don’t know if they are following the law because there are Gnostics that have children, but they are practicing. As the Master Samael says: “In the past I engendered my children, but now I cannot because I am following the path.” That means that he engendered his children as any one of us. But once he entered into the path, he stopped doing or bringing children into the Earth because he was following chastity. Master explains that in one of his books.

The same can happen to other Gnostics. In the beginning they were trying, they couldn’t and they had a child. They say” Let us try now after nine months. Maybe now I will start doing it” They can`t. Another child. “Let us start now after other year. Maybe this time I will.” Another child. So, I have friends that have four and five children, and they are trying and now they are succeeding. But many that start from the beginning have no children. Well, they started doing well. But it’s because Behemah בהמה has different strengths in each one of us. Do you get that? Do you comprehend that?

Question: What is the power that we need to annihilate those egos?

Instructor: The one that has the power to eliminate those egos is the Divine Mother. That is the power. And the Divine Mother has that power in sex. But, the Divine Mother, as you see in the Magic Flute of Mozart, she appears like the Queen of the Moon. In the beginning it is positive but sometimes it turns. It is the nature that we have here in ourselves.

We have to take advantage of the Divine Mother, but as she acts according to karma, according to machinery too. If we worship as Schekinah, she will annihilate us because she is also the Mother Death and will annihilate the ego, but she demands beforehand comprehension in order to annihilate an ego of the white moon or the black moon, which means you have to take the light, you have to take the child out of prison. Comprehension means, analysis, understanding of yourself, of that part of your consciousness which is trapped and for that you need to meditate.

In meditation you analyze every event of your life that relates to that ego that has trapped part of your consciousness. Then, when you comprehend it in meditation if you are sure, you extracted the light, that child of Israel from that ego, then he is with you, afterwards you have to pray to your Divine Mother: “Mother of mine, annihilate this ego!”

And in order for the Schekinah to be active within you, you have to be in chastity because no Behemah בהמה can ask the Divine Mother. If one is fornicating, with what power is she going to annihilate? The power of the Divine Mother is the fire rising in the spinal column. The power of the brazen serpent that was healing the Israelites in the wilderness. Read the book of numbers of Moses, it is written a story there, when the Israelites were complaining, it says:

“And the people spoke against Elohim, and against Moses, wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul despised this light bread. And יהוה sent (the Nachashim the Seraphim הנחשים השרפים) fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Therefore, the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against יהוה, and against thee; pray unto יהוה, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.” – Numbers 21: 5-7

The meaning of this is: the serpents (the Nachashim the Seraphim הנחשים השרפים) from Geburah which are related with passional fire are destroying the Chaiah חיה, life, because through lust, adultery, fornication we are destroying Eve, Chavah, because she is the mother of all life חוה כי הוא היתה אם כל־חי. What can we do?

And Moses goes to יהוה and says: “What can we do because they are dying [destroying themselves with their ego of lust]?

And then God says:

“And יהוה said unto Moses, make thee a (Seraph שרף) fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole (your spine): and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten (by their lust), when they look upon it, shall Chai חי, live.” – Numbers 21: 8

Build a serpent, another Seraph שרף and whoever looks at that Seraph שרף shall Chai חי, live.”

This means, you have to worship the Schekinah in the manner we are teaching here. When she awakes she has power to annihilate those lustful egos which are bothering us. But we have to be patient. It’s a systematic process to annihilate any ego. It’s not that we are going to do it, by ourselves, without the help of the Divine Mother. If you read the book of Exodus you see how Moses was doing it before the pharaoh, in the wilderness and all of those problems that Moses conquered little by little, bit by bit. Remember what Master Jesus said:

“In your patience possess ye your souls.” - Luke 21:19

Because we are like in front of anthill waiting for an ant to come out of that hill. One comes and you kill it and another one comes, and you kill it, etc etc... And you just shake that hill and ants come in a great number and you say: “Why am I doing this? Alas! how many egos, I have here.” Yes, like an anthill, this is how we are. When we are in front of ourselves, we are in front of an anthill, the never-ending anthill. Thus, you have to be patient, little by little until you kill all of those creeping things inside that come from your subconscious anthill.

Question: In the Popol-Vuh the Gods perform experiments to create men and one of the first ones is that they create animals, beasts, birds, different animals, but then these animals do not praise the Gods, they do not glorify their name. So, their punishment is that their flesh shall be eaten. So, what is the meaning of it? 

Instructor: Well, that is related to this lecture because the flesh is not only referring to the physicality, because the flesh is also related to Nephesh. And we have flesh also in the lunar bodies which are called the protoplasmic bodies and the flesh in the physical body. We never worship Elohim (the Gods). So, Yehidah is always making an experiment, which is, to create solar men; thus, when people do not become solar men, their flesh is eaten by nature in hell, they are destroyed in different cycles. Obviously, to worship the Gods means to liberate Israel from within our psychological defects in order to make that Israel one with Elohim. That’s the path. And the Popol-Vuh also talks about them being made of wood. So, obviously there were men made of wood that were not worshiping the Gods. They were just of course following the machinery of nature. They were destroyed. The same, this humanity will be destroyed if we are not following the path. Do you have another question?

Question: How can knowing a ray help to annihilate the ego?

Instructor: Obviously, the question is related with the seven rays because our Monad relates to the seven mighty archangels, which are the seven horns and the seven eyes of the lamb according to the book of Revelation. To discover our own particular ray means to discover the source to which our own particular Glorian, Christ is joined to. And, of course, it depends on any ray you belong to, if you follow the Direct Path, then you incarnate that particular force or Glorian in the initiation of Tiphereth, then that ray will be united with your Monad and help you in your development. It could be, of course, the incarnation of one of the sparks of Samael if you belong to the fifth or Michael if you belong to the fourth. But remember, either way, any of the seven has always relationship with the seven horns and the seven eyes, because the seven eyes in us are the seven chakras and the seven horns are the seven serpents related with seven bodies. So, all of those seven horns and seven eyes of the lamb are related with our own constitution. But our own Monad, particularly, is related to one of those rays. And if you incarnate that particular Glorian, if you ever reach the Fifth Initiation, if you ever reach or follow the Direct Path then that part of that Logos will be with you. And then you have to go down into Egypt and to face pharaoh in order to liberate in your physicality all the Neshamoth Chayim נשמת חיים, living souls, in order become an Adam into the image of God, a Nephesh Chaiah נפש חיה.

Question: Was John Milton an initiate, how important is his book “Paradise Lost”?

Instructor: Unquestionably, He was. There’s no way he’s going to write his Lost Paradise and Paradise Found without having the knowledge. And he describes and gives the Kabbalistic doctrine there in symbols. Master Samael, whose mission was to unveil every book, hidden book, mysterious book written by many initiates, he mentions Moses, Krishna, John Milton, and he addresses many authors, many initiates in his books in order to unveil the mystery. The mystery of John Milton, which I remember, is related with the Parsifal Unveiled. We translate the books of the master from Spanish into English, we know that this is associated to many books. Because he had, as I said, the mission of unveiling what is veiled; this is the same thing that we are doing here. We are taking the Book of Genesis that is a book of the Gnostics, but we can take Paradise Lost but that will be very difficult because it is very kabbalistic, profound and poetic like the Divine Comedy. Master Samael unveiled the Divine Comedy of Dante in “Yes, There is Hell, Devil and Karma.”

Question: What things can we do to examine Kabbalah and the Tree of Life practically through meditation?

Instructor: In order to examine the Tree of Life practically in meditation and Kabbalah, first you have to be practical. You have to work with the Mystery of Daath, meaning chastity, transmute your sexual energy. That’s the first requisite. The second is to annihilate the ego in order to liberate light. As Goethe says: “Light, more light.” When he was dying physically and it’s because when he was alive, he was liberating the light from his own egos through chastity. So, we have to say the same: “Yehi, more Yehi. More light for me” But meditating. And by not being selfish, by giving the doctrine to others. This is how we work with Kabbalah.

Listen, there is a mantra that you can pronounce when you meditate: “Lifaros Lifaros Lifaros Licanto Ligoria.” You find that in one of the books of the master Samael Aun Weor related with Kabbalah and Alchemy. So, by vocalizing that mantra you will penetrate in your own particular sephiroth and everything that you discover there will be related with you. Because each one of us have different light related to the Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil, which is knowledge. How you work is how you develop.

Question: How long does it take the fire in order to awaken, is it differetnt for anyone on the path?

Instructor: The fire, in order to be awakened, is different in every one of us. It depends on our own karma. It depends in which way we are working for humanity. That doesn’t depend on years or weeks, etc. That depends on the Holy Spirit. Because the one that awakes that fire is the Holy Spirit, which is the sexual force. And only he has the right to take the power of you or to give it to you. There are many Gnostics that say: “This person is no longer on the Direct Path or no longer on the path because of this this and that.” And I always answer: “Listen. How do you know that? Are you the Holy Spirit? How do you know that? Did you investigate?” “Oh, but the master and such and such said in the past...” “Oh, you are identified with the past? How long was that the master said that?” And he said: “Well, like ten years ago.” “So, you still think that person cannot change? That’s because the master said he or she did this or that... etc. He has the right to change.” The door of repentance is always open and for their fruits you will know them. What fruits? Well. The fruits that we were talking about here. Bear fruits like the Tree of Life.

Question: I feel that my study of Kabbalah is too intellectual, are there good resources or books to study?

Instructor: The book of Kabbalah is very intellectual, of course. The study of Kabbalah is very intellectual. It relates to Illuminated intellect.

The question should be: Are you mentally lazy? The answer will be yes.

Like all of these Christians in this day and age... they say, Kabbalah is black magic. It is from the devil. Lazy, they don’t want to study. They think they are just saved by believing in Jesus. They go into devolution. Listen, in order to know the Bible, as we are explaining here, we have to study Kabbalah. There is no other way. Behold all the millions of Christians sharing the Bible. Do they follow the path? No! Why? Because they ignore Kabbalah. Oh, it is because Kabbalah is very difficult? Yes, it is very difficult. 

I am telling you that from direct experience. Or do you think this knowledge that I have I was born with it or I developed it. How do I develop this knowledge? By snoring? By going to McDonalds, by eating McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken and enjoying life and going to parties? This is how I developed this knowledge? If we are lazy, of course, we are not going to develop. “Oh, too much intellect.” Yeah. It is true.

I follow the Master Samael Aun Weor’s example. He studied the Zohar, the Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost of Milton. He studied all the masters. When I was in his home, I saw his library. Do you think that those books of those Esoteric and religious masters were just there in order for him to show off? No. He was studying them. He was unveiling them. That’s why he talks about them in all of his books.

So, follow the example of the Master Samael Aun Weor; he was really a serious student to be able to give the knowledge to humanity. This is how we understand the following:

"But in order for Lucifer to shine within us, to become integrated with us, one needs first of all to be whitewashed; this is why the medieval alchemists stated, “Burn your books and whitewash the Brass.” We need to whitewash the devil." - Samael Aun Weor

Balaam Angel and his Donkey

Some people do not want to do the work.  There was an initiate that misundertood the former esoteric statment and said: “Well, the intellect is not necessary; just follow this and follow that. And burn all the books of the Master Samael Aun Weor. They are not necessary." Of course, the one that said that was his donkey (his mind). As we explained in this lecture, the one that said that was his awakened Behemah בהמה, which was awakened in evil and for evil.

Thank you very much.