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rune ingwaz

The Rune Ingwaz, like the Rune Perth, teaches us a lot of mysteries. The Rune Ingwaz is represented by a square - a square that is between two joint Gibor Runes. Here, we can see both runic glyphs.

As in the previous lectures, we are addressing the Aztec Calendar in order to show how the masters that chiseled this stone were indeed masters who knew about the runes. As with the Aztec calendar and the pyramids of Egypt and the Yucatan, the Aztec pyramids were made by masters in the golden age. These monuments were left in order for us to study them.

It is necessary to know Kabbalah and alchemy in order to delve into these symbols that are very popular in this day and age. Through these symbols all esoteric wisdom and occultism emerges on the surface of our minds.

aztec calendar

If we observe the center of the Aztec Calendar we will discover that Tonatiuh, or the fifth sun, is enclosed by four Ingwaz Runes that are the four squares around its face. A corner of each one of these four squares is permeated in the circle or is protruding from the circle; each square outshoots the quadrature of the circle. This outshooting indicates that this rune is related to the activity of the solar fire.

We have previously explained that the center of the Aztec calendar, which symbolizes the sun, contains many mysteries that we are now disclosing. The rune Ingwaz shows in this glyph how the solar light enters into activity. In other words, how the Logos enters into activity. Remember that the tongue symbolizes the word uttered from the mouth of Tonatiuh. We have talked about the word in previous lectures, yet the Rune Ingwaz is showing us how the word enters into activity due to the fact that the squares around the face of Tonatiuh are the four ages that develop like rays of solar light from it. This is how it must be visualized.

Why is the glyph of Ingwaz a square? It is because the solar light works in the four elements of nature. The square symbolizes the four elements. The earth itself –Malkuth-represents the four elements and that is why the sun Tonatiuh is the one that is giving the strength, the light, the life to the earth, or the squares. This is why ancient initiates represented the earth as a flat square. That flat square represents the Rune Ingwaz. This means that the solar light, INRI, enters into activity through the cross - the quadrature of the circle, which relates to the four elements: fire, air, water and earth. This is why it is stated:

For our God is [INRI] a consuming fire. - Hebrews 12: 29

That fire is the solar fire. If we inquire about the name of the Rune Ingwaz we discover that it is also called ING that relates to the God Frey, or Froh as Wagner calls him in his opera the Ring of the Nibelungen. So the Futharkh, or Nordic alphabet, states that Froh, or Frey, is associated with ING which means "son of." In the English language we will see that "son of," ING or Frey, is Balder. Balder is another name for "son of". Balder is the Son in the Nordic trinity: Odin, Balder, and Thor. Wotan is the same as Odin. So Balder is Frey. His feminine companion is Freya, who we say is associated with Friday. But Frey is also associated with Friday - Freya is Venus, Friday the day of Frey, Venus.

Venus is always the star that appears before the sun rises and before the sun sets. In the Aztec Calendar, Frey-Venus is represented in the square. This is the Rune Ingwaz, or ING "son of" Tonatiuh, the light - which is represented in the sun. Remember that ING means "son of"; this also means that the offspring of the sun - the solar light - is the Logos. We easily understand ING the "son of", the will of the Logos, in the English language, for instance, "to talk", when we exercise the action of the verb "talk", we say talking, that is, we add ING at the end. Thus, ING is the acting force of the Logos. So the Rune Ingwaz teaches us how the Light as well as the Logos (the tongue of Tonatiuh) acts or enters into action through ING into the world.

In the beginning was the word; and the word was with God; and the word was God. John 1: 1. [ING was in the begin-ing with God]

In order for God which is the word, the Logos to be active it needs the activity of the solar light, the activity of ING, Frey, INRI, or in other words Christ – which is what we call Ing in Greek. So in order to put into activity every single word, every single verb, we add "ing"; thus, we say walking, going, acting, transmuting. Thus, there is a difference between knowing about the science of transmutation and actually transmuting; that is, to do the action of the science of alchemy. There is a difference in knowing how to die and dying. Thus, to do what we know is ING, because the law of Christ is sacrifice. It is stated that the "Son of" the Father performs the will of God. ING is the one who performs the will of God. All things were made by ING; and without ING nothing was made. So if we want to perform ING, the will of God, we need to study the Rune Ingwaz because ING the "son of" is the will that "does".

In the Spanish language we add ando at the end of the word; this is from the verb "andar" to walk or to move from one place to another. Hablar is to talk. Hablando is the action of the verb. Sometimes we add "endo" and not "ando" which again means "andar," to walk. Thus "ando" is equivalent to ING in English, which means to experience the verb, and this is precisely what we need to see and understand in this Rune.

[Oh Solar Logos] Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will [ING] be done in earth [the square], as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6: 9, 10

So, the sun through the solar energy, which is ING, is doing an experiment in nature. It is stated by Samael Aun Weor that the sun is performing this experiment. Nature is represented by the square. Ingwaz is doing that experiment. In the center of the Aztec calendar we see the four previous outcomes of the sun. That is why it is stated:

The children of the first sun (the square on the right above) were devoured by the tigers.

The children of the second sun (the square on the left above) were destroyed by strong hurricanes, cyclones.

The children of the third sun (the square on the right below) were devoured by fire from heaven.

The children of the fourth sun (the Atlanteans) were devoured by the waters.

In synthesis we see the four elements, represented in the four squares around the face of Tonatiuh; yet the Rune Ingwaz is directly related with INRI, the fire, the activity of the solar fire. When we see ING, it is Frey, it is Balder, it is Froh that enters into activity in nature. Without the activity of the solar light there will be no life on earth. It is essential to understand this. So ING, or the lord, enters into us in order to activate the energy that we already have in our bodies, minds, consciousness etc. This is why we always state that Gnosis is a practical knowledge with no theories. We see the map of the path but then we need to enter into the Ingwaz in order to put it into activity.

runes ingwaz and kaum

Let us study the other glyph of the Ingwaz; it is formed by a square in the middle and six Kaum Runes around it. The Rune Kaum is made by a vertex or a vertical line with an upper line that makes an open angle of 45 degrees; like a letter K without the line or leg at the bottom.

Kaum is a feminine rune which is above, below and to the sides of the square. Kaum is showing us that the Rune Ingwaz receives in order to give. This is called the Trogoautoegocrat, which is precisely the activity of the lord Christ. We have to receive INRI, Christic energy, and for that we have to activate the four elements in us. This is why we say "our God is a consuming fire" because it is INRI, fire, which is the solar energy that we receive. If we associate the second glyph of the Rune Ingwaz with the glyph of the Rune Perth we will see how the chalice, or the Holy Grail, can also be represented by the Ingwaz glyph.

 grail / ingwaz

We see in this graphic how the square or the four parts of the square are in the center stem of the chalice. There are four figures there: we only see two but there are other two behind it. So that is the square in the middle and above it we find the rune Kaum which is a V receiving the force of heaven. The other rune Kaum is below receiving the force of the earth. Again, this is our physicality because from the throat up we find the cup that contains the forces from heaven.

ingwaz and the tree of life

In this other graphic of the tree of life we see that the square is in the center uniting four Sephiroth: Daath, Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth. Below Tiphereth we have an upside down Kaum or we can also say that it is the rune Ar, which is the Ara, or the altar upon which the Holy Grail always rests.

If you have attended a ritual you know that the altar of the temple is usually a square. So upon that square - which is really a cubic stone formed by six squares - you find the Holy Grail whose base is precisely related with the rune Ar, which we physically make when we open our legs in order to form the shape of the letter "A", the Ara, the Altar.

Samael Aun Weor talks extensively about the rune Ar in relation with the science of Peter which is the stone. This is something that we need to understand. Peter is in the pineal gland controlling the stone and is also working in the heart. Specifically, in the former graphic we see how the Grail, the chalice, is related with all the ten Sephiroth of the tree of life. In it, the depth of the bowl of the chalice relates to the Sephirah Daath and opens up towards Binah and Chokmah in order to receive the light of Kether and beyond, because above Kether is the Ain Soph Aur, the Ain Soph and the Ain, the light of the unknowable Seity or as we say in Gnosticism, the light of Barbelos.

The Gnostic Bible, the Pistis Sophia, talks about Barbelos. "Bar" means Son in Aramaic; and "Belos" derives from "Bel" which is represented in Greek as "Belos" and in Latin as "Belus;" thus, "Belos" is rooted in the Chaldean word "Bel" meaning tower of fire. Among the Gauls, Bel is also the name for the sun. So "Bar," the Son of the tower of fire "Belos", is the "Light" that the Rune Ingwaz gathers through its upper V that is symbolized in the bowl of the chalice or in the bowl of an amphora.

Greek amphora

We as amphoras always receive the strength of "Bel" from above through our Kether, into our "Adam," head, bowl or tower, to effect the work of salvation that Bar (Son) or Ing (Son of) in the heart, has to perform in us. Moreover, let us observe the base of the chalice-amphora, which in the Rune Ingwaz is an upside-down V or an upside down Rune Kaum, or more specifically a Rune Ar. The Rune Ar relates also to Bar ; "Baron= the son of the earth;" and the bowl to BEL-ING, the son of the sun or (Beliling) the "Children of BEL" (Tiphereth, the sun) who also collects from the earth. Thus, in order for Bar (Son) to act, that is, in order for ING, or the son of the heart and sun, to act in us, it also needs the base of the chalice. The base receives the strength of Yesod, the sexual energy and the strength of Malkuth, the earth, because in synthesis Yesod and Malkuth are one feminine Sephirah, "Eve". Therefore, the upside-down V or the upside down Rune Kaum, or the Rune Ar in the chalice represents the female aspect, or wife of Belos, the Sun, or better said, Belit-ili, the "Lady of the Gods" of the Akkadians; the Moon, the Divine Mother Kundalini. This reminds us of a conjuration taught by Master Samael Aun Weor.

Those who tread the path are often erotically attacked by the tenebrous ones (usually at night) while their bodies repose during their normal sleep. Temples of black magic exist in the Internal Worlds, thus, naturally, their tenebrous members send certain very beautiful and seductive black sorceresses (children of Lilith) to male students, with the sole purpose of making them fall sexually. They know that if the student spills the seminal liquid, the Kundalini descends and thus the weak and naive student loses power.

Mantric Chant

Therefore, it is necessary for the students to learn how to defend themselves from these tenebrous nocturnal erotic attacks. To that effect, the Angel Aroch revealed a mantric chant to us, for personal defense against the tenebrous ones. Sing this mantric chant before going to sleep:

"Belilin... Belilin... Belilin... amphora of salvation I would like to be next to thee, materialism is strengthless next to me, Belilin... Belilin... Belilin..." - Angel ARoch.

So behold the rune Ingwaz or Inguz teaches us how to receive and how to work with the upper and lower forces when we are walking on the path. Usually, people only identify with the bowl or upper part of the chalice and they forget that the chalice has a base, its lower part. We need to also receive the strength of the earth as we receive the strength of heaven because "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth." The lord, the solar force, Christ descends from the unknowable divine, from the regions of Barbelos, down through all the Ten Sephiroth and coils down in Malkuth. So in the head and sex of Malkuth which is our physicality is where we have Christ as solar creative energy.

So when we enter into this path we have to collect the two forces of heaven and earth in order to create the third which is the light from above (the sun) that has to stay in (Tiphereth) our heart (בא על ילין). This is what we have to understand. These forces are also represented in the Aztec Calendar. See how the Aztec calendar is showing us the same. Above the head of Tonatiuh we find a Kaum Rune which by itself is a symbol of fire.

symbols of the four elements

Among the symbols in alchemy the triangle can symbolize all four elements: fire, air, water and earth. A triangle pointing upwards symbolizes fire, and a triangle pointing downwards symbolizes water. The triangle above, on the top of the head of Tonatiuh, which is like a horn, is the symbol of fire and when adding the line across its apex, is air; while the triangular tongue is earth and when adding the line across its mouth, is water.

So fire and air are always above and that is why in Hebrew the letter א Aleph "A" symbolizes the air and the letter ש shin "S" symbolizes fire. If we spell the two letters together we form the word אש "Esh" which means fire in Hebrew; thus, there is ש fire in the א air and in the א air there is ש fire. This is why it is written that the first emanation of the unknowable - which is the absolute - is the ray of Okidanokh, which is the light emanated from the Ain Soph Aur which Madame Blavatsky called "the eternal breath (נשמה 'Neshamah') profoundly unknowable to itself."

Thus this נשמה "Neshamah" breathing is associated with air and at the same time with fire, and with light - profoundly unknowable to itself. So air, fire, and light are represented by that horn on top of the face of Tonatiuh, the sun. That triangle also symbolizes the pineal gland, the Chakra Sahasrara, the Lotus of one thousand petals, or many light rays, that are going directly into the solar absolute, the abode of Barbelos, the light of the Ain Soph Aur.

Therefore, the second glyph of the Rune Ingwaz is Inguz, is ING us, in our physicality. We must understand that all forces gather in our physical body, which is represented by the square, which represents the four elements in Malkuth. Master Samael Aun Weor states in his book The Great Rebellion:

Fire envelopes and bathes us totally; it comes to us through the air, through water and through the earth itself. These are its preservers and its diverse vehicles. The Heavenly Fire must crystallize within us. It is the Intimate Christ, our profound innermost Savior [Balder, Frey or Froh the God of love].

cross of four elements

We see in this graphic the four elements forming a square. We have talked about how the air relates to Kether, fire to Geburah, water to Yesod and earth to Malkuth. When we explained about the exorcisms in relation to the tree of life, we explained how the fire is at the south, earth at the north, water at the west and air at the east. This is how Ingwaz works with the forces of nature.

Frey, Froh

On this graphic of the God Frey or Froh - who is related to ING, the Rune Ingwaz – Frey is riding a boar, a wild pig. This graphic brings into our mind the book The Three Mountains by the master Samael Aun Weor; in the chapter the heaven of Venus he talks about Hercules, who we know represents Geburah, the warrior who conquers Venus by dominating and killing the boar of Mount Erymanthus which represents the wild animal instincts in us. Christ, who is represented in the graphic as the God Froh, or Balder, rides on the boar; this means that he is controlling the animal forces, the instinctive forces. The same is what we have to do, that is, to ride on the boar and to then kill it later on. Nowadays, people do not ride on the boar, they do not control the animal forces; instead, they eat the boar, which is not good for us. Hercules killed the boar on Mt. Erymathus and ate it, but this metaphorically means that he absorbed his psychic energy. The boar is a symbol of Nephesh, or "animal soul", that we have to absorb every time that we comprehend an animalistic instinctual defect in us. Our sexual appetite is represented in this boar; we obtain the energy of the earth when we kill it because the force of the earth is represented in this boar which in Hebrew is called Behemoth.

Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. – Job 40: 15, 16

Like a boar, Behemoth is a symbol of the bestial force that we have in the navel of our belly, which is the area of Venus, related with negative emotions. We have to transform negative emotions into positive emotions; the area of our belly is related with the Sephirah Hod. The prince of the light of Hod, the astral light, is Anael represented in this case by Froh or Balder, Hod is energy that we have to control.

Samael Aun Weor states: "Christ is Ing the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame, the astral signature of fire. On top of the cross of the martyr of Calvary, the mysteries of Christ is defined in one word which is written with four letters. These four letters are I-N-R-I; Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra, meaning: 'Ignis = Ing-is, Fire that' renews nature incessantly."

"Now the advent of Ing Christ into the heart of the human being transforms us radically. Christ is the solar logos, the perfect multiple unity. Christ is life throughout the entire universe. Christ is what is, what has always been and that which shall always be. Much has been said about the cosmic drama and without question this drama is made up by four gospels." Why four gospels? It is because the square is made up by the four elements.

When we want to see the fire of the fire we have to light a bonfire, so to see Ing the fire of the fire within that bonfire but such a fire is also in the water, in the air and in the earth. That is why the master says that the fire surrounds us everywhere and that is why our God is a consuming fire, which we have to control.

Regarding the solar Christic fire we find something very interesting that will help us to better comprehend the Rune Ingwaz which is always related with the number four, the square and the way we can take advantage of the solar forces in nature. We find in the fifth book of The Gnostic Bible, the Pistis Sophia, the following:

Jesus said unto his disciples: "Draw near unto me." And they drew near unto him. He turned himself towards the four corners of the world, said the great name YEW over their heads [the Chakra Sahasrara], blessed them and breathed into their eyes. Jesus said unto them: "Look up and see what ye may see [with your clairvoyance]. 141: 4-7

Behold the Rune Ingwaz in the former paragraph, we see it when we read that master Jesus - ING, the "Son of" - turned himself to the four corners of the world, namely, to the East, to the West, to the South and to the North. Again, behold the square and the Rune Kaum above it, when he said to his disciples the word YEW. In a previous lecture we explained that the word YEW is written with three Hebrew letters: יהו "Yew" Yod, Hei, Vav - this is how it is written. YEW relates to the three primary forces; Kether, Chokmah, Binah. YEW is the triple unity, represented by the first triangle of the tree of life.

So where is Yew, or Jew, in our physicality? Yew. or Jew. is situated in the magnetic center of the root of our nose, which is where we find the atom of the Father. We find the atom of the Son in the pituitary gland and the atom of the Holy Spirit in the pineal gland. Behold the trinity in our own physical heaven, our head; there is where we find יהו Yew or Jew, which is IAO the powerful mantra that unites the three primary forces; positive, negative and neutral, or Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And to the angel [YEW] of the church in Philadelphia write; These things said he [Kether] that is holy, he [Chokmah] that is true, he [Binah] that has the key of David, he [יהו = YEW] that opens [the clairvoyant chakra], and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door [clairvoyance], and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews [יהודים Yews], and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet [the Rune Ar], and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of [sexual] temptation, which shall come on the entire world, to try them that dwell on the earth [Malkuth]. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which you have, that no man take your crown [Kether]. Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him [on the forehead] the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches. – Revelation 3: 7-13

Now when in The Pistis Sophia we read that Jesus "said the great name YEW over their heads, blessed them and breathed into their eyes," and said unto them: "Look up and see what ye may see", Jesus uttered the name YEW into their eyes in order to invoke the forces that we have in the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and at the root of our nose, because in them is YEW. And when you read that Jesus said, "Look up and see what you may see,", if you do not know how to read this, then you will look up to the ceiling or to the sky. When esoterically it is said "look up," we look up towards our clairvoyant eye. We just raise our physical eyes, and in doing so we become cross eyed. Both of our eyes are turned in towards the root of our nose exactly where the clairvoyant eye is situated. The clairvoyant eye is between the eyebrows. So, look up and see what you may see with your chakra Ajna.

When people read "look up and see what you may see," they think, "well up there is the sky, up there are clouds, up there are flying birds; listen up there is heaven, your heaven, your own head. So, look up there, what do you see? Well, since Jesus' disciples were clairvoyants, The Pistis Sophia states:

And they raised their eyes and saw a great, exceedingly mighty light, which no man in the world can describe. – Pistis Sophia

That mighty light is the light of Kether the crown chakra and beyond. Remember that we said that the Macrocosmos is represented by Adam Kadmon, who is Kether, the head of the trinity.

Moreover, when Jesus said unto his disciples, "Draw near unto me". Understand that we then must draw our attention near unto the atom of "ING" the "Son of", in the pituitary gland, and by concentrating our sight on our clairvoyant eye - Ajna chakra - we look up toward the chakra Sahasrara and consciously see Kether, the crown, the head of the trinity, the Father of all the lights. In other words, by looking up with our clairvoyant eye, we see Barbelos, the light of lights, we see the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the Ain Soph Aur, the Cosmic Christ.

Thus, when we activate our pineal and pituitary eyes, we see a great, exceedingly mighty light, which no man in the world can describe. This is the light of Barbelos at the top of our head that is connected to the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the magnetic field of the root of our nose, within them are the three atoms that open our clairvoyant eye in order to see that marvelous light that connects our monad to the absolute. That light is what we call the Glorian, our own particular individual Glorian that enters into our pineal gland through our chakra Sahasrara.

He said unto them anew: "Look away out of the light and look toward the other side and see what ye may see." – The Pistis Sophia

So when we look away out of that light - which connects us to the absolute, the unknowable divine - and look toward the other side, what is the other side and what is that which we may see? The other side is the heart in us. The head is the side of the light of lights is the Macrocosmos, Arik Anpin. The other side represents the Microcosmos, Zeir Anpin, Tiphereth. So this is what we have to understand.

Thus, let us look away out of the light of the first triangle, the head of the tree of life and look toward the other side and see what we may see. So, we have to turn our inner sight towards the seven lower Sephiroth, towards Zeir Anpin, our interior universe.

They said: "We see fire [within], water, wine and blood." – The Pistis Sophia

If we do not know Kabbalah we won't know what that fire, water, wine and blood are.

ingwaz and the tree of life

Let us study the tree of life regarding fire, water, wine and blood, in order for us to understand. Upon the rune Ingwaz that we drew within the tree of life, we show the fire in relation with Daath but why with Daath? It is because the אש "Esh" solar fire is related with Shin, which represents the holy trinity, as well as with Aleph, the breath, which also represents the trinity. When we talk about the breath, we address אש "Esh", fire and air, in relation with Daath, because אש "Esh" fire and air join in Daath which is the mystery of the tree of good and evil.

Below Daath we find Chesed and Geburah. Chesed relates to water and Geburah to wine, and Tiphereth, which is the heart, to blood. Here, we are addressing very clearly our own individuality, in other words, our Monad, because the Microcosmos is related with the Monad and all its parts.

In Kabbalah and Alchemy we know that the water relates to Chesed, which we have stated many times, is the Ruach Elohim that floats upon the face of the waters, the mercury of philosophy. The wine relates to Geburah. The fruit of the grapevine is the wine. The Eucharist is another name for it. The transmutation of water into wine, Chesed into Geburah, relates to the transformation of אש "Esh" the solar fire in the water of our physicality, into אש "Esh" solar fire of the wine of the transubstantiation, which relates to Geburah. Thus, when we talk about wine we talk about אש "Esh" the solar fire within the wine, which relates to transubstantiation. Such are the mysteries of Geburah.

Thus, אש "Esh" solar fire is within the water; אש "Esh" solar fire is within the wine and אש "Esh" solar fire is within the blood. Many times we have also said that the blood is also fire. So, in other words, in water, wine and blood we find the mystery of אש "Esh" the solar fire of Daath within the Microcosmos, the Monad.

So when you read the scripture of the fifth book of Pistis Sophia that states, "They said: 'We see fire [within], water, wine and blood.' " and you don't know the mysteries of alchemy you might think that they are seeing an altar. Remember the symbols on any altar are related with the Monad, the second triangle of the tree of life. The Monad is the second triangle, is the Trimurti: Atman, Buddhi, Manas, or the Spirit, Divine Soul and Human Soul; the Being and his twin souls below. So let us continue with what the master Jesus said in Pistis Sophia.

Jesus, -- that is Aberamentho, -- said unto his disciples: "Amen, I say unto you: I have brought nothing into the world [into this physicality, which is his physical body] when I came, save this fire [within], this water, this wine and this blood." – The Pistis Sophia

Water, wine and blood relate to Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth. These are the powers of the Monad together with the fire of the Lord in Daath, because the Lord is אש "Esh" the solar fire of Chokmah, which descends from Daath into the Monad. In order for the Lord, אש "Esh", the solar fire of Chokmah, to descend into any initiate, such initiate has to enter into Tiphereth, which is the human soul. In order for Chokmah to enter into the human soul, the initiate has to reach the level of the fifth initiation of major mysteries. This is how Wisdom, Chokmah, Sophia, the Lord, can bring into that created world, into that Human Soul, into that Pistis, the elements that we address, namely, the fire, the water, the wine, and the blood.

I [Chokmah, Sophia] have brought the water [fiery power of Chesed] and the fire [power of Daath] out of the region of [Kether] the Light of the lights of the Treasury of the Light; and I have brought the wine [fiery power of Geburah] and the blood [fiery power of Tiphereth] out of the region of Barbelos. – The Pistis Sophia

The region of Barbelos is the Ain Soph Aur which is the unknowable divine. From the region of Barbelos comes אש "Esh" the solar fire, the pure fire of the Lord, the Cosmic Christ. אש "Esh" the solar fire, descends from the region of Barbelos, the Ain Soph Aur through the ray of Okidanokh, the Glorian, and transforms his Seity into the Holy Trinity. This means Kabbalistically that his Seity is transformed into the letter Shin, Aleph and Mem, which is שאם "Sham" the Solar Triamatzikamno, namely, Kether, Chokmah, Binah; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From Kether that אש "Esh" - solar fire in א Aleph, the Father, the Breath - breathes ש Shin the Son, Chokmah, "Sophia" - which in Hebrew and Greek means wisdom respectively – into Binah, who by means of מ Mem, the Divine Mother Kundalini engenders Chokmah-Sophia into Daath. Samael Aun Weor in his book Tarot and Kabbalah states:

The letter מ Mem is death and regeneration. See for yourselves that an intimate relationship exists between death and [Mem] water. The Thirteenth Arcanum, which is death, is related with (Mem) the waters.- Tarot and Kabbalah

Initiates from all times talk in different apocrypha about the descent of Sophia from the Thirteenth Aeon into the Universe. Samael Aun Weor in his book Tarot and Kabbalah states:

Kether is the Elder of the Days, the Hidden of the Hidden, the Goodness of the Goodness. Kether has thirty-one (31) curls in his hair. - Tarot and Kabbalah

31 is 13 backwards, this means that the back of his head is attached to the 31 divine emanations of "Ain," the Thirteenth Aeon. In other words, as Malkuth is attached to Kether, likewise, Kether, who is the Hidden and the Goodness in the universe, is attached to "Ain", the Thirteenth Aeon that is the Hidden and the Goodness in the Absolute.

Kether also has thirteen (13) ringlets in His beard. Thirteen symbolizes the Logos, the Word [his breath]. Marvelous things have been spoken about Kether. One can have a meeting with Kether through Samadhi (ecstasy) in order to receive his commands. Kether is infinitely merciful. Kether is Absolute Wisdom [Sophia]. - Tarot and Kabbalah

So, who is this Sophia that appears in the Universe from the thirteenth Aeon (the Absolute)? This Sophia is Kether that emerges from the Thirteenth Aeon. Remember that the Thirteenth Aeon is "Ain," the nothingness, the Cosmic Common Universal Father, the Absolute. The Twelfth Aeon is the Ain Soph, the limitless, the Cosmic Common Universal Mother. And the Eleventh Aeon is the Ain Soph Aur, the limitless light, the Cosmic Common Universal Son-Christ.

Thus, when it is stated that Sophia, Wisdom, Chokmah descends from the "Ain" the Thirteenth Aeon, the nothingness, we have to understand that this means that such Sophia that descends from "Ain" is אש "Esh" solar fire, the Sophia, the Wisdom, the essence of "Ain" - of those who reached Paramartha (absolute cognizance).

This word Paramartha is very important; it is a Sanskrit word made from Parama: uppermost, Martha: meaning Consciousness. The uppermost is "Ain" the Absolute. Martha is a humble disciple of the lord that does all the different chores in order for the lord to have energy. She cooks for the Lord; thus Martha is related with the digestive system. But Martha is not just the flesh of our stomach. Martha is the intelligence that transforms the energy of the food in our stomach; she is an intelligence that humbly works in the digestive system like a servant even if we put junk food into our mouth, into our stomach, she takes it, cooks it and transforms it; in alchemy we say she makes honey with it.

Thus, Martha is that cognizance that we have to conquer because she is a humble alchemist that does her work in our physicality without our intervention; but any walker of the path has to work with Martha, the consciousness, that is, the Alchemist has to have a completely awakened cognizance in order to enter into the "Parama," the "Ain", the uppermost part of the absolute; the Alchemist needs to acquire absolute consciousness, Paramartha.

In Sanskrit the absolute is called "Sat." Thus, from Sat, the absolute, comes the word Sathya, an absolute true being, a possessor of the absolute truth, an inhabitant of Sat, the absolute. Therefore, the one who has conquered Paramartha is call Paramarthasatya, that is, a humble worker, who - only by conquering Martha - has gain the right to enter into "Parama," the "Ain", the uppermost part of the absolute. This is why it is written:

And Jesus gave his hand unto Martha and said unto her: "Blessed is every one who humbles himself, for on him they shall have mercy. - The Pistis Sophia Ch. 38

"ING" takes Martha by the hand, when the initiate is absolutely cognizant of his nothingness, in order to enter into the Ain and to become a Paramarthasatya. So behold Martha up there as Paramartha within "Ain," the nothingness.

Nevertheless, Martha is also related with the Sephirah Hod, in the solar plexus, which is related with our emotions. Remember that we have to transform the negative emotions into positive emotions. Martha never lies; she always says the right thing. So the negative emotions have to be transformed because we poison ourselves with negative emotions. This is why Martha is related with the Sephirah Hod. She is also related with our blood, the heart. Martha is there in the blood; Martha is there in the stomach, Martha is everywhere, it is the consciousness, it is Zoostat, the awakened consciousness.

So the consciousness of a Paramarthasatya is Om Tat Sat - "All that is the Truth", their Zoostat that descends from the thirteen Aeon. The Paramarthasatyas are those Monads that already gain the right of abiding within the "Ain," because they self realized "Om Tat Sat" within themselves. Thus, they can help other Monads, like Master Jesus who is a Paramarthasatya, an inhabitant of the absolute. Jesus, Aberamentho, descended from the Thirteenth Aeon in order to help all Aeons.

So, when Sophia, as Paramartha, descends from the Thirteenth Aeon, she enters into the womb of the Ain Soph which is the Unmanifested Mother and is born as Ain Soph Aur. From that Ain Soph Aur, which is Barbelos, emerges the ray of Okidanokh. This is the dissention of Paramartha or Kether, Absolute Wisdom [Sophia] into the Universe. Once Absolute Wisdom [Sophia] is into the Trimurti, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, She becomes Chokmah; thus, as Chokmah, Sophia descends through the Holy Spirit into Daath, as a power of the fire.

Our individuality, our Monad, who is Pistis, is already there in Daath. Pistis is related with faith, but it is also related with the intellect, better said, the Superior Intellect or Objective Reasoning. This is because Pistis relates to the superior manas and the inferior manas which are the two vehicles that we have to build in order to reach the level of human being. Once we reach the level of human being with these two inferior and superior manas or superior intellect or superior mind then Pistis is already created within. Thus, once Pistis is already created, Sophia can enter into this Superior Manas, in Daath, and then we have Pistis Sophia, which is the bodhisattva, the Son of Man. Thus, this is how Sophia - that descended from the thirteenth Aeon - descends into the initiate in order to make of him/her a solar human. That is ING, Ingwaz, the activity of the Logos, the Word from the unknowable to the knowable.

Thus ING or Frey or Froh, Balder, the Christ, emanates first from the very bosom of "Ain" the Cosmic Common Universal Father and appears in the universe. This is why the Lord suffers because when he enters into the bodhisattva, that is, when Sophia mingles with Pistis, with the human soul, Sophia also mingles with the mental body, astral body, vital and physical body. Since Pistis, the human soul, has three electronic bodies, namely, astral, mental and causal bodies, all of them form the solar consciousness in the initiate. Sophia descends even beyond the consciousness, she enters into the chaos. What chaos? It is the chaotic infraconsciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness of the initiate. This is the sacrifice of the lord in the bodhisattva in order to perform what Pistis Sophia, the bible of the Gnostics, calls the thirteen repentances that one by one are done by Sophia together with Pistis or in Christian terms, John the Baptist together with Jesus. Jesus is the savior Sophia and John the Baptist is Pistis, the created man, the terrestrial man.

This is how we understand what Jesus -- that is Aberamentho, -- said unto his disciples:

Amen, I say unto you: I have brought nothing into the world when I came, save this fire [within], this water, this wine and this blood. I have brought the water and the fire out of the region of the Light of the lights of the Treasury of the Light; and I have brought the wine and the blood out of the region of Barbelos. – The Pistis Sophia

Because before entering into Malkuth, the World, the Christic fire mingles first in the region of Daath with the Monad. The fire is Daath, the water is Chesed, the wine is Geburah and the blood is Tiphereth; all of them together are in us and represent the sacred elements on the altar that contain the solar fire. Sequentially Pistis Sophia states:

And after a little while [from the region of the Light of the lights] my father sent me [as fire, through] the Holy Spirit in the type of a white dove. – The Pistis Sophia

The white dove is the Holy Spirit, Binah, the spirit of the water that descends from Kether (the region of the Light of the Lights) into Daath and from Daath into Tiphereth and from Tiphereth into Yesod in order to perform the alchemical work, which is, the transmutation of the waters into wine.

And the fire [in] the water and the wine are for the purification of all the sins of the world. The [fire in the] blood on the other hand was for a sign unto me because of the human body which I received in the region of Barbelos [the Ain Soph Aur], the great power of [Ain] the invisible God. The breath on the other hand advances towards all souls and leads them unto the region of the Light. – The Pistis Sophia

Regarding the breath, we address it in the Rune Perth. Still, what is that breath that leads human souls unto the region of the light?

For (when we do not know about sexual alchemy) Yod-Chavah Elohim (in Yesod) had not caused it to rain upon the earth (upon our head, Kether), and there was not Adam (Human Soul in Tiphereth) to till (Adamah) the ground. But (nevertheless) there went up a mist (or sexual breath) from (Yesod of) the earth (our physicality), and watered the whole face of (Adamah) the ground (our physicality). – Genesis 2: 5-7

Thus, when we know that this fiery Christic breath enters through our nostrils, the head; and from the head descends into the lungs; and from the lungs into the heart; and from the heart into the genitalia in our physicality or Malkuth; then we know how to perform our sexual alchemical work with the Sahaja Maithuna or with Pranayama:

And (thus, below, in Yesod) Yod-Chavah Elohim formed (the Human Soul) Adam of (the Christic fire of the mist - or breath - from the earth that went up from) the dust of (Adamah, the Earth), the ground (into Tiphereth), and (thereafter from above in Daath, Kether, Eheieh) breathed (Chokmah) into his nostrils (as Neshamah) the breath of life; and (through this communion of Chokmah with Tiphereth, the Human Soul) Adam (became the Son of Man, who by liberating Sophia from his Nephesh or animality) became a living soul. – Genesis 2: 5-7

This is why we insist that the lord, the Christic fire, works in three aspects in us. In doing that transformation the lord needs the fire of the water which is of course the mercury of the wise in us. The lord needs the fire of the vine, found in the juice of the grapevine.

I am the (fire in the) vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me (the fire in the vine) you can do nothing. – John 15: 5

So, the branches of the vine symbolize Adam and Eve, Ida and Pingala, the Lord is the fire that rises through Sushumna, but also represents the fiery force that comes from above, from Geburah, from the spiritual soul, from our own particular Monad that is united with the fire of Chokmah in Tiphereth, the heart. This is why we cannot replace the Eucharist "for without me (the fire of the vine) you can do nothing. (Read the lecture Christification by Samael Aun Weor in our website).

Master Samael Aun Weor talks about the importance of the transubstantiation and that we should never stop taking it, or to go against it. We need the Christic fire of the vine, because the work is done by the fire through our Monad, our Being: Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth; the fire, INRI is the one who does the alchemical work. For the fire of our Being is in the wine together with the fire of the Lord. The fire, the Lord, is in the water which is the fire, the Lord, in the blood, transmuted into wine. That is precisely the symbol of the fire of ING because the square that we see in the rune Ingwaz is related with this transformation.


Behold here is Martha. Isn't she beautiful? She is dealing with all the food that we have to eat. It appears she is saying "You have to eat fish, birds, fruit, cereals and red meat."

Our animality is represented by the boar that is hanging behind her. Remember that the boar represents the instinctive animal forces in us. Do not kill a boar and eat it, because that is a devolving animal. We have to destroy the psychological boar, the animality inside us. Behold, behind Martha is Mary and Jesus talking pleasantly. So, let us comprehend Martha's work and read about Martha:

Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was encumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?  Bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said to her, Martha, Martha (in the digestive system), you are careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen (sexual alchemy) that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. – Luke 10 38-42

Martha is related with innate cognizance in Malkuth, the intelligence that humbly works in the stomach, the digestive system. Remember that humbleness also relates with the emotions in our belly, we have to humbly transform the negative emotions in Hod.

If we do not transform the negative emotions of pride, vanity, self-esteem, arrogance, etc. into virtues, then we think that we are going to do the work by ourselves without the help of the Lord, that is, we do not allow Martha, which is humbleness, to transform them. Humbleness is necessary in order for the Lord to work through us because the Lord is the Holy Denying. Let us deny our selfishness, let us go directly into that negative emotion that we feel and transform it into a superior emotion in the heart; because we always feel what we are in the heart.

When somebody accuses us and says "You are guilty", we then with the index finger point at our heart and say: "Who me?" This is because we feel ourselves in the emotional center, in the center of feelings. Martha is in Hod, but as positive emotion. Thus, negative emotions have to be transformed and the only one capable to do it is Martha, when we as souls receive the sacred fire of the Eucharist in our heart. Thus, let us allow the Holy Denying to enter into our minds during meditation in order to do it; because, if we are proud, vain and conceited and think that we are going to do it by ourselves, and there is a lot of mystic vanity and pride present, then the Lord does not enter.

If the Lord is inside Martha's house as we can see in the graphic, it is because Martha is humble. She is doing what she has to do for him, that is, the transformation of the three types of food: air, food and impressions.

Behind the Lord and Mary are other apostles or archetypes waiting for Martha's food, waiting for her transformations to be made in order to eat because the apostles - as was taught in a previous lecture - are related with the endocrine glands in our body.

It is not that Peter is the pineal gland, but that the intelligence, the archetype, of Peter is working through the pineal gland. This is how we have to understand this. This is how we have to understand Martha. Martha as an archetype is at the very bottom in Malkuth which is a feminine Sephirah, because our physicality is feminine; Martha in Malkuth is related to the digestive system, in Hod with the Eucharist and the transformation of negative emotions and as Paramartha in "Ain".

So this painting that we have analyzed is telling us much. When we have Martha active, the Lord and Mary are waiting for their food behind her. In other words, first Martha has to feed our body in order for Mary to be ready for Sexual Alchemy; likewise, Martha as Isis prepares the Eucharist and transform impressions, the negative emotions, the Holy Denying in Hod in order to feed the Lord in the heart with Superior Emotions. And as Paramartha she is only waiting for the Lord in order to enter into the Absolute. We have to know how to transform good and evil; we have to know how to give because as we see in the painting, Martha is always giving. She is a philanthropist, she is working very hard in the stomach for our health. She humbly works very hard when we transform the negative emotions into positive emotions; Martha through the digestive system takes food and transforms it into energy that she gives away to the body. Through impressions Martha receives negative emotions and for the sake of humanity she transforms them into positive emotions. This is why at the end, Martha, submissive to the Lord, remains with the nothingness, "Ain." Thus, humbleness is what Martha represents.

Master Samael Aun Weor stated: "When we receive negative impressions we have to receive them with gladness and transform them into good." The food is very easy to transform but the negative emotions are very difficult. Usually we do not transform negative emotions into food but into poison - revenge, hatred, and anger. We have to allow Martha to do the work in the emotional center. Emotions are felt in the area of the stomach, the belly or solar plexus. The initiate enters and comprehends the work of Martha when he/she allows the superior emotions to work in him in order to overcome his ego.


In this graphic we see at the very edge of a precipice, Frey, the God of love in love with Freya or Jesus Christ in love with Mary. Jesus said:

"For this cause have I said unto you: "I am come to cast fire on the earth that is: I am come to purify the sins of [Mary Magdalene] the world with fire. – The Pistis Sophia

Remember that fire is in the four elements of the world. Remember the Pancatattva Ritual. In Sanskrit Panca means five. The fifth element is in our sexual glands, our own Akasha tattva which is formed by what we eat, namely, fire-meat-Tejas-tattva, water-fish-Apas-tattva, earth-cereals-Pritvi-tattva, and air-wine-Vayu-tattva. These are the Panca-tattvas.

And for this cause have I said to the Samaritan woman: 'If thou knewest of the gift of God, and who it is who saith unto thee: Give me to drink, -- thou wouldst ask, and he would give thee living water, and there would be in thee a spring which welleth up for everlasting life. – The Pistis Sophia

That well is the sexual force. The Samaritan woman is your physicality. She is a woman who is looking for the knowledge in this physical world but doesn't know how to start.

The woman said to him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come here to draw. Jesus said to her, Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said: I have no husband. Jesus said to her, you have well said, I have no husband: For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband: in that said you truly. – John 4: 15-18

The woman was an adulterer like any one of us, since the cup that brings the water from the well up to everlasting life is the sexual organ. The Lord is the fire within the water or our own mercury, which represents our own sexual matter.

"And for this cause I took also a cup of wine, – The Pistis Sophia

This is a symbol of the fire in the Eucharist, because when the priest invokes the fire with special mantras, that fire enters into the wine and into the bread- especially the wine which is the blood of the Lord. So, when we drink the wine we must understand that Martha is the one who transforms that into marvelous solar atoms which will feed our body, psyche and spirit.

...blessed it and give it unto you and said: 'This is the blood of the covenant which will be poured out for you for the forgiveness of your sins. – The Pistis Sophia

The light that enters through the Eucharist helps us to understand because it is solar light that enlightens our consciousness in order to comprehend our own ego.

And for this cause they have also thrust the spear into my side, and there came forth water and blood. – The Pistis Sophia

The water relates to that mercury of Chesed and the blood to Tiphereth which is at the right side of the tree of life. So that wound is in the right side of the lord because this is were you find Chesed and Tiphereth, which is in the center.

And these are the mysteries of the Light which forgive sins; that is to say, these are the namings and the names of the Light. – The Pistis Sophia

The light is fire, the fire is light, or Lucifer in Latin. ING is the fire that circulates in our whole body; the fire is circulate-ING, feed-ING our whole self physically, psychologically and spiritually. Do you see what the marvelous mystery of the Rune ING-waz is?

In a previous lecture we have taught about the apostles of ING, or the archetypes- symbols in the body. We have focused on Martha relating to the stomach, because as an archetype she is a special disciple of the Lord. Without Martha we are lost. If we don't eat as we should, that is, to eat always concentrated in the Lord, we may have indigestion, which means that Martha didn't do her work. But maybe it was because we ate something unhealthy. Martha always suffers the consequences of our ignorance.

Regarding the twelve apostles of ING, the Lord, it is written: "Faith produces strength, and strength develops faith." Faith in the pineal gland produces strength in our kidneys and the strength of our kidneys develops faith in our pineal gland. The strength in our kidneys is related with the apostle Andrew who, from the suprarenal glands situated above the kidneys, gives us sexual strength. Andrew and Peter are brothers because they depend on one another. That is why we stated that faith develops strength and strength develops faith.

Apostles and the body

Love without cognizance is destructive but together they produce Dharma. Human love is John, the buddha-dhatu in the Thymus, who is always nourishing himself from the heart's effluvia, meaning, from the Divine love of the Lord Jesus.

James the Elder is related with the pancreas. Cognizance relates to James the Elder, who is the understanding or comprehension that we have in our pancreas in regards to digestion and transformation.

That is why James and John are brothers. John is love, and James is cognizance. Love is law, but love with cognizance, meaning love with comprehension, transformation. If we just love mechanically without comprehension that is not cognizant love. This is why James the Elder is related with the transformation of all the solar spiritual forces in the food, all the forces and energies of the body that nourish John.

Imagination creates and the creative power of the word expresses itself imaginatively. Who is imagination? Imagination is Bartholomew, the apostle related to the pituitary gland. See the meaning of his name: Bar means Son in Aramaic, as ING the "son of," the atom of the Son that we have in the pituitary gland. The atom of the father is at the root of the nose and the atom of the Holy Spirit is in the pineal gland. So Bartholomew is a son of a warrior, the one who is always watching. He is related with clairvoyance and his brother is Phillip, who is related with clairaudience and is the power of the word. In Pistis Sophia, Phillip is the scribe, the one who writes all the statements of Master Jesus. Philip does it because he knows the Kabbalistic alphabet.

Can we imagine for instance Phillip not knowing the meaning of the twenty-two letters of Kabbalah, the Hebrew Alphabet? How is he going to write without knowing the alphabet? Phillip writes because he knows very well the alphabet. He knows the mystery of the word, the written word. This is why it is written:

And the angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying: Arise, and go toward the south to the way that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is desert. And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of (Chesed) Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Isaiah the prophet. Then the Spirit said to Philip, Go near, and join your self to this chariot. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Isaiah, and said, understand you what you read?

And he said, how can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. The place of the scripture which he read was this:

"He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth: In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth."

And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray you, of whom speaks the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?

Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached to him Jesus (the solar fire of ING). And as they went on their way, they came to certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what does hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, if you believe with all your heart, you may.  And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is (ING) the "Son of" God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. – Acts 8: 26-39.

A eunuch means an initiate that knows about sexual transmutation, one who saves his creative energy:

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. Matthew 19: 12

So, the Ethiopian was a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven's sake. When he says, "What does hinder me to be baptized?" Philip said: "If you believe with all your heart, you may." Meaning, you are an initiate, you are a eunuch; thus, since you are saving your sexual energy, I will teach you how to be baptized in the name of Jesus, that is, how to be anointed by the fire of ING, the heart. Phillip's seat is in the throat, thus Philip teaches him the mysteries of Daath when symbolically they descend into "certain water" and "command the chariot to stand still" and baptized him. That "certain water" is symbolically the waters of Yesod-Sex. When you understand the word, when you understand the written word you understand the wisdom. That is why in modern times you don't find people who listen and understand the word.

He that has an (magic) ear (clairaudience), let him hear (comprehend) what the Spirit (of Philip) said to the churches. - Revelation 2: 29

To hear what the Spirit said to the churches does not relate to hearing with the physical ears, but "an ear", the magic ear, the Vishuddha chakra situated in the throat, where the word is gestated. Philip is the archetype situated in the Thyroid glands. Philip comes from the Greek Philos - "beloved" - the one who knows the mystery of the word, the power of the word, the power of the tongue in Daath. This is why Phillip (clairaudience) and Bartholomew (clairvoyance) are together; Bartholomew and Philip are two archetypes in us. We have to vocalize the vowel "Eh" for Philip and the vowel "Ih" for Bartholomew. Through them we see and comprehend the meaning of the written word. Through Bartholomew we see; through Phillip we understand what we see, because it is not only seeing with the clairvoyant eye but also understanding the symbol of what we see that is important. The understanding of the word is Philip.

Wisdom and willpower always proceed hand in hand. Who is wisdom? In other words, who is comprehension? It is Thomas. and willpower is Matthew. Matthew is located in the left side of the brain and Thomas, the archetype related with experiences of the truth, is in the right side of the brain. They work together when we act with wisdom. This is why it is written in Pistis Sophia that there are three witnesses in heaven and Mary explains that those three witnesses are Matthew, Thomas and Philip. This is because Philip is the scribe; he is the intellectual who writes what the inner spirit tells us. Thomas and Matthew which are the superior parts of the brain are also writing because in order to write what we have to write, or read what we have to read, we have to use our brain, faculties of the apostles that are in our self. All of them are in relation with Ingwaz, because ING is the activity of our faculties. How are we going to enter into the mysteries of Gnosis if our faculties are not active, if the twelve fruits of our tree of life are not active? We have to develop them.

Order and zeal advance alongside with sexual transmutation. Sexual transmutation is the science of Peter but when addressing the life, the sexual power in the genitalia, that is Judas Iscariot. The power of the sex is in relation with Judas Iscariot. Judas Thaddeus relates to order and zeal. He is related with the appendix and the hindbrain, which is related with the activities of the fire in our spinal column. Remember that, unfortunately, Judas Iscariot is mingled with sexual desire. Sexual transmutation when combined with psychological elimination, which is related with the apostle Judas Thaddeus - brings order and zeal inside of us.

All of these faculties are divided and enhanced as they are developed. Thus, the creative power of the word placed at the root of the tongue, governs taste. It controls the action of the larynx and the weight of the word controls the action of the initiate.

Order is subdivided as harmony, peace and bliss.

Faith grants confidence, sexual strength and energy.

Imagination and visualization complement each other.

Cognizance also means justice, right judgment - upright appreciation of the facts.

Zeal is accompanied by enthusiasm which, without control and order, becomes religious and political fanaticism. If we don't control our zeal, the love we have for the knowledge, we become a fanatic. There is a lot of fanaticism amongst the Gnostics of this day and age. They are too fanatical because they don't control their zeal, their enthusiasm for Gnosis. We have to have control of our faculties. An excessiveness of zeal is fanaticism.

Life results from transmutation and health. Elimination relates to depuration from toxins, the digestion and the depuration from all negative thoughts and emotions.

  • Holy Affirming (performing ING, the will of God)
  • Holy Denying (receiving ING with gratitude as the negative impressions of our fellowmen)
  • Holy Conciliating (Tantra, transmutING).

So when we study the twelve apostles we understand how they relate to our physicality and psychology. Remember that Master Samael Aun Weor states that we have to develop the twelve fruits of the tree of life. The tree of life is the spinal column. We have to work very hard in order to develop the twelve solar fruits of ING, the solar light within the tree of life.

jesus scourged

Regarding ING, Jesus Christ, the solar fire, comes into my mind, tied to the column and Pontius Pilate's soldiers thrashing his back with a whip. Do you understand this symbol?

Many people exist who talk about the thrashing of Jesus; many mystical organizations exist where their followers would whip themselves physically in order "to advance", so to speak, in this path. They don't understand that the whip represents willpower. The whip represents the willpower that we have to develop against the soldiers of Pontius Pilate. Pontius Pilate represents the mind; the soldiers of Pontius Pilate are all those different defects, vices and errors related with lustfulness, lasciviousness, concupiscence, etc.

The Lord ING is tied to the column - the central pillar of the tree of life, which represents the spinal column - in order to exhaust the lustful egos by stealing their fire in the very sexual act. Willpower is exercised in the sexual act in order not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden of delights; it is in the sexual act where ING performs super efforts in order not to fall into temptation.

When we are trying to defeat any temptation on the path, whether a karmic temptation or any type of temptation, willpower is what we need in order to overcome it. Thelema is needed in order to go ahead and not to fall; a flogged back symbolizes the willpower that is needed, especially when we were performing sexual magic, for the rising of the solar fire of ING through the Sushumna canal. The Lord is held to the column and receives five thousand lashes. Five is karma. So, because of our lustfulness, the Lord is punished inside of us when we as the Son of Man are performing sexual transmutation, when together (Chokmah and Tiphereth) we are doing the alchemical work. This is how ING is tied and flogged in our spinal column; nevertheless, if we are fornicators the Lord is not tied there. If we want the Lord to be tied to our spinal column we then must be chaste because the Lord is ING; transmut-ing, transform-ing. ING is willpower, the action of the Logos.

In the beginning (in the process of ING) was the word; and the word was with God; and the word was God. – John 1: 1

When ING is active in us, the enemies of the Lord - which are our defects, vices and errors - whip him, whip his back without mercy. This is how the initiate together with the Lord suffers; this is how Pistis Sophia suffers.

Remember that the Lord ING has to give many steps inside of us. The first step, the beginning, is the creation of the bodies, or the first denial of Peter; that is, after sacrifices and more sacrifices (from Latin sacrificium: sacer, sacred + facere, to make) we, because of our lecherousness, deny the Lord. Remember that when Peter is denying the Lord, the lord is tied to the column and Peter is just watching how ING is judged; thus, Peter suffers remorse, but the one who is unjustly singled out for punishment and receiving the lashes, is the Lord. That punishment relates to the initiate, the karma of the initiate.

The Lord ING suffers and passes the ordeals of fire, water, earth and air between the Square and the Compass, the Ingwaz Rune.

Illumination is attained only after the degree of Apprentice (we are speaking in the terminology of Occult Masonry). Every true candidate prepared for illumination will be able to be recognized and verified with the square and the compass. The devotee is prepared for illumination when the Spirit and the human personality act in an orderly manner and in full harmony. Those who complain of not being illuminated cannot withstand the ordeal of the square and the compass. When the inferior quaternary loyally obeys the Spirit, the result is illumination. As long as the inferior quaternary does not obey the Spirit, that is to say, while the human personality does not know how to obey the Spirit, illumination is impossible. - Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor

caduceus ingwazIf we observe the second shape of the Rune Ingwaz, we find the square between Ida and Pingala like two entwined Runes Kaum with the shape of serpents that go around our spine.

So first we have to create Pistis in us. Remember that Peter is Pistis, faith. We have to create Pistis; we have to raise the fire through the tower of Belen to the top of our head, the fire of the first serpent, of the second serpent, etc. The fire is the electronic force, the solar light of the Lord is electronic, as is the soul; we are an embryo of soul and we have to create the human soul. To create the human soul is to create the internal electronic bodies.

So once the internal bodies are created we have Pistis already made. The one who creates the internal electronic bodies is the Holy Spirit, who as Pistis is in the pineal gland. When Pistis is ready then Sophia descends in order to perform the second and third denials of the Lord within us. This is the path of ING, the path of Ingwaz, of Froh, who was killed by Loki, lust.

So do you realize the mystery of ING? Let me read this quotation from the book Cosmic Teachings of a Lama by Master Samael Aun Weor in order to end this lecture about the Rune Ingwaz.

In the final synthesis, each one of us is nothing more than an atom from the Abstract Absolute Space, which is the interior atomic star that has always smiled upon us. A certain author has said:

I raise my eyes towards the utmost, towards the stars, from which, for me, all help has to come, but I always follow the inner star which guides my interior...

Such inner star is seen when we lift our eyes toward our own forehead, which is where we find YEW. If we want to receive the marvelous power of YEW, vocalize IAO in order to activate these three atoms in our head.

We must make a specific differentiation between the Ain Soph and the Ain Soph Paranishpanna. In the Ain Soph, interior Self-realization does not exist, but in the Ain Soph Paranishpanna, realization of the Innermost Self does exist...

So that Innermost or Innermost Paranishpanna is the Self realized Monad, or the Ain Soph- self realized- that makes us a Paramarthasatya, an inhabitant of Sat, like Master Jesus. Or an inhabitant as Master Samael who receives the strength of the Twelfth Aeon in order to teach us because we are just a simple Ain Soph without self realization. Only the resurrected masters who are self realized are called Sathya. Behold in this day and age there are many people who appear on websites and call themselves Sathya this and Sathya that. Sadly, they are not Sathya; the only Sathya that I know of from Sat, the Ain, the Thirteenth Aeon, is Jesus of Nazareth, a Paramarthasatya. Below him are masters from the Twelfth Aeon or Eleventh Aeon, who are those who have reached the level of Solomon. The one who entered into the Ain Soph Aur becomes a Solomon. Do you know what שלמה "Solomon" means? Sholimah or Solomon means a Man of Peace.

May peace reign in all hearts; let us not forget that peace is light. Let us not forget that peace is an Essence emanated from the Absolute. It is light emanated from the Absolute. This light is the light of the Ancient of Days [Kether]. Christ said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." [John 14:27] - Samael Aun Weor

Those who possess שלום the peace of Kether inside are the Dharmakayas, who are able to enter into the Ain Soph Aur. שלמה Sholimah or Solomon is the Soliman, Sol = Sun + Iman = "faith" in Arabic; Soliman, the Solar Faith, Solomon.

Thus, Solomon is a solar man thanks to שולמית Shulamite, the beautiful Shulamite, the Divine Soul. If we inquire into the Hebrew language we will see how Shin, Lamed Mem, Hei: Solomon is written with those letters and Shulamite has also the same letters. In the gospels of the New Testament appears another name related with that mysterious dancer- Salome. Solomon is written with the same letters of Salome and Shulamite but since the latter is feminine, it ends with Yod and Tav, a plural feminine form. In Hebrew Solomon, Shulamite and Salome begin with Shin, which is the fire of the Ain Soph Aur.

When we study the Thirteen Repentances of Pistis Sophia, we find that the eleventh repentance that relates to the Ain Soph Aur is resolved by שולמית Salome, who is the same Shulamite or Shalom, Peace, Shalomon, Solomon.

שולמית Salome, Shulamite, is the daughter of the fire, the consciousness that enters into the Ain Soph Aur. That is why Shalome dances the dance of the seven veils before Herod. Who is Herod? He is our sinful mind who wants to steal the wisdom of the Lord. He wants to be enlightened with the ego alive and Shalome - the daughter of the fire - dances and unveils the fire for him; Salome says to Herod: Here is one veil, here is the truth; here is another veil, look at the truth, I have the truth but you do not deserve the truth; do you want to be deserving of it? Well, I will give it to you, but first give me the head of John the Baptist. Then Herod says: Oh my goodness, she is asking for the head of John the Baptist and within his head is where I live because I am the mind, the sinful mind, within that solar head that is always accusing me of adultery, Herod is the lecherous animal mind within the bodhisattva.

Thus Herod says: If I behead John the Baptist I will be sentenced to death and the wise Shalome knows it. Thus, she says: Give me what I demand and I will tell you the fiery truth. Thus, with the beheading of John the Baptist the consciousness knows the truth but not as Herod because Herod has to die. Do you see the mystery of Shalome, the feminine aspect of the consciousness in the Ain Soph Aur? Shulamite, Solomon, Salome have the same source. We have to work very hard in order to reach that level in order to become an Ain Soph Paranishpanna. Master Samael says;

Let us not forget that Merkabah is the chariot of the centuries, the heavenly human being of the Kabbalah... - Samael Aun Weor

Merkabah is chariot in Hebrew; Merkabah is the square of Ingwaz. We are always talking about the inferior square but Merkabah is the Superior Square or quaternary; in other words, the Christified physical body, the Christified astral body, the Christified mental body and the Christified casual body. These bodies form the square, the chariot where the Lord our Monad rides on. That is Ingwaz, and in order to create that square, meaning that superior quaternary: physical, astral, mental and casual bodies, we have to be in chastity, we have to work with Pistis, with energy, and this is how Peter builds our church.

If we do not build the chariot, the Merkabah the Ain Soph remains without the realization of his Innermost Self.

Those who have not eliminated the Abhayan Samskara, the innate fear, will flee from the Ninth Sphere by telling to others that the work in the forge of the Cyclops (sexual alchemy) is worthless. - Samael Aun Weor

To work with sexual alchemy is worthless for the fornicators but not for those who know how to transmute, those who know the science of Peter, in order to build the chariot. This is why in the Rune Perth we quoted a vision of the Master Samael where he states that he saw the chariot of the centuries guided by three charioteers and inside the chariot was Peter because Peter is the one who built the chariot with the assistance of the three charioteers. Once the chariot is built, Peter keeps working with the three charioteers. Yet right now we need the teaching of the three charioteers. Peter is inside the chariot because he is the one who builds it. Jesus said to Peter: "Build my church." Peter is the head of the church because Peter is in our head, in the pineal gland; Peter is also in the altar, in the Ara which is the stone of Yesod because in it is the Mercury, the Lord of the whole work, the Great work.

So those who say the forge of Cyclops is worthless are the hypocritical Pharisees who "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel." These are the failed ones who "neither go into the Kingdom themselves, neither suffer they those who are entering to go in." Indeed, sex is a stumbling rock and a rock of offence... - Samael Aun Weor

First we work with Peter and when Peter builds the church, the internal bodies, then ING comes and incarnates and works through John, the Word.

Questions and Answers

Q: In The Pistis Sophia Jesus said, I have brought the water and the fire out of the region of the Light of the lights of the Treasury of the Light; and the wine and the blood out of the region of Barbelos; is there a difference between the Treasury of the Light and Barbelos?

A: Jesus as Savior, as ING, as a Light, brought the water and the fire out of Kether, the region of the Light of the lights; and also as a Light, brought the wine and the blood out of the region of Barbelos, the Solar Absolute Space; thus all is contain in the same light. I understand that the way it is written seems different, but the light in the fire, in the wine, in the blood, and in the water came from the region of Barbelos; all of them are enfoldments of the same Logoic Light. They all come from Barbelos, the Theomertmalogos, the great power of the universal God; the wine for instance, when the priest who is in chastity, who knows what he does in a ritual. He brings the fire from Barbelos first from his own Barbelos in his pineal gland when concentrated in his Inner God, Kether, the Light of the lights, his particular Glorian and says, "Father of all lights I beg you bring down for me the fires of Barbelos, the great power of the invisible God, the Ain Soph Aur." Then he blesses the wine and the bread which is charged with the solar light of the Lord. The priest is only a vehicle thus, through him the fire descends from above.

When we are doing our sexual transmutation we have to concentrate in our pineal gland, in Barbelos, the Ain Soph Aur which is the Cosmic Christ, in Kether, who is the treasury of the light, descending into us in order to transmute the water into wine; because the water and the eucharistic wine are for the purification and the forgiveness of sins. This means that we need sexual transmutation; but we also need the Eucharist. If we ignore the Eucharist thinking that we are going to do the alchemical work just with the water we fall into confusion and we don't go ahead and that is the problem with many Gnostics who reject the wine of the Eucharist. The blood in our body is charged with Christic energy - blood is the symbol of the human body - when we know what to eat; Martha will distribute the Christic force to all the glands in order for the glands to give us their power, the inner senses. So everything comes from Barbelos, the Son of the light.

Q: How do we know when we are ready for the transubstantiation?

A: In the Gnostic Church transubstantiation is performed on certain days; to receive the Eucharist we have to enter into the second chamber where we perform the mysteries of bread and wine. This is given only to those who practice chastity because first we have to bring out the fire from our water in the region of Daath. Thus, when the initiates know how to transmute the water they then receive the fire of the wine. This does not mean that we have to be psychologically in perfect chastity because the fire of the Lord in the water and in the wine, the Eucharist is received for the purification of all the sins of the world, the Christic light helps us to comprehend many sins; through Christ one receives the strength because one is week. When are we ready for it? Right now we are ready, everyday we are ready. Our Father.... "Give us this day our daily bread." – Matthew 6: 11

There are certain groups that say: first we have to know this or to know that, etc. Yes, we have to know the mysteries of the light in order to understand the Eucharist and this is why we have given you this lecture; when you understand the spiritual value of your sexual energy then you are ready, so we have to be serious in order to receive such help that all of us need; the transubstantiation.

The ceremony of the transubstantiation which is the ceremony of bread and wine is performed by a priest that is in chastity. If he is a pedophile, no it doesn't work he has to be in chastity, he has to be serious.

Thus, we have to work with our chastity in order to receive the Eucharist but we don't have to reach the level of Christ or to have no ego in order to receive the Eucharist, no if we wait for that then all of us will be condemned. Fortunately we have the mysteries and we distribute them in a systematic manner for all of those that need it. The one that performs that mystery is not special, none of us is special. We need the energy, we need the force. All of us are in hell, it is not that we are going to hell; it is that we all are already in hell, in the inferior regions so we need to go out from it. One discovers that one is going out of hell, go-ing, Ingwaz, when one is leaving hell. When you are inside you don't realize it but once you awake and you say oh my goodness I am in hell, I didn't know that.

People are afraid of going to hell but they don't realize that we all are in the first sphere of hell, limbo. Some others are there worshipping the other spheres of hell.

Before you ask another question let me narrate for you an experience in order for you to understand better, it happened to me many years ago when the master Samael Aun Weor was giving a lecture in relation to negative emotions, named Alcyone. I don't know if you have read that lecture or if you have heard the lecture; anyhow, he says that negative emotions turn us into liars, etc., all that related to the rings of Alcyone. In that epoch, like you, I was listening and always imaging the star Alcyone and the seven goats, which are call the Pleiades. The Master said:

Some people might say that Alcyone is very far, that it is related to the Pleiades and that it has nothing to do with our solar system. It is very appealing to speak in this ignorant manner.

The reality is that the Sun that shines over us forms part of Alcyone; it is the seventh one. It is a sun related to a system of suns which rotate around Alcyone.

Thus, concentrating in Alcyone, I entered into meditation with all the clues that the master gave us. I wanted to see this phenomenon; since physically I cannot because I would need a UFO but in the astral plane is easy, since, I have my astral body. So I went into meditation and I went out of my physical body and I asked: "my God, my Lord, please show me the rings of Alcyone." Then my God, my internal God took me to a field and threw me down on the ground of that field. Then I saw the fences of that particular field and a rooster standing on top of that fence singing twice, then I saw the sun rising in the east. Thereafter my God threw me back inside my physical body. Then I said: what? What does this rooster and the rising of the sun and this field has to do with Alcyone?

Then I said let us meditate to comprehend this symbol and then I understood. The sun Alcyone and any sun is the Christ. Indeed, if I want to see Alcyone, the Christ, "before the rooster sings twice you will deny me thrice" said the Lord. Thus, I said to myself, "oh self, what you need is to walk on the path and overcome the three denials." since, it is not easy, to be in the rings of Alcyone, that is, to be in the light of the Lord. Master Samael Aun Weor at that time was already in the seventh year of Job, ready to enter into the eighth, ready to enter into the rings.

Then I understood, oh the Microcosmos is called the Microcosmos of the Macrocosmos. Whatever happens in the macro is repeated in the micro, in the micro, in the human it happens initiaticly. In the macro as you see stars move around. Then I understood that Alcyone is related with the Lord in the initiatic path. I am not saying that those rings don't exit, they exist but why do we have to worry about that it is better to be concerned with the Alcyone, with the Lord, with Christ. The rings of Alcyone are like the Ain Soph Aur. As we explained in another lecture Hercolobus is also related with the lord.

Before Alcyone is Hercolobus initiaticly speaking. If you just want to see the phenomenon in the sky, it will happen, but the Gnostics are interested in our Microcosmos because whether we believe it or not, things will happen in the universe. But we want it to happen in our own particular universe; the Microcosmos. Thus, meditate because we have to meditate, so that peace can be within all of us, so that we may partake in the light of Kether, the Ancient of Days. Inverential Peace.