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Rosicrucian Order

"The order of the Logos, the true Rosicross, does not have a visible or tangible organization in the physical world, it does not have a physical temple; this only exists in the superior worlds.

The brothers and sisters of the Rosicrucian Order who have physical bodies here in this tridimensional world are all of them Resurrected Masters. They are Resurrected Masters who already incarnated the Christ.

Those from distinct schools and orders in this physical world who denominate themselves Rosicrucian are false. The true Rosicrucian Order that the Logos has established upon the face of the Earth does not have any visible organization, it does not dictate courses by correspondence, nor does it collect fees, nor does it have juridical personality, nor does it have internal or external statutes. Their members are not even acquainted with each other in this physical world. They might be acquainted with each other in the superior worlds, yet in this physical world they very seldom, very seldom encounter each other." - Samael Aun Weor, The Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries

The groups in the physical world who call themselves Rosicrucian have absolutely no affiliation with the True Order. In particular, Samael Aun Weor indicates repeatedly in many books that the school of AMORC has nothing to do with the true Order. See The Revolution of Beelzebub by Samael Aun Weor.