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"Those who have passed beyond the Illuminated Void and the relativity of life, experience that which is called Tality. The Tality is the Great Reality of life, free in its movement... It is unpostponable to Self-realize within ourselves that which is called Tality. The Tality is the Great Reality beyond perversity and holiness. The saints can never exist within the womb of the Tality, which is beyond perversity and holiness. There is nothing in the Tality which can be called holy. The Great Reality is the Great Reality, the Tality. The saints and the perverse ones revolve within the great Wheel of Samsara. Therefore, they are very far from the Tality... The Tality is beyond the machinery of relativity, and also beyond the Illuminated Void. The Tality is that which is beyond the body, the affections, and the mind. The Tality is that which is far beyond all dualism." - Samael Aun Weor, The Pistis Sophia Unveiled