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"The house of bread” in Aramaic and Hebrew [בית לחם]. "The house of meat” in Arabic [بيت لحم]. The Holy City of western religions and a deep symbol. The birthplace of King David and Jesus.

“In order for the Savior to be born, the event of Bethlehem has to be repeated; such an event is very profound and at the same time symbolic. The town of Bethlehem which the Gospels refers to is very allegorical. It is said that this small town did not exist in the epoch of Jesus of Nazareth. If we analyze the word Belen (which is Bethlehem in Chaldean), we have Bel-En. Then, we see that Bel in Chaldean terminology signifies “tower of fire.” When is this tower of fire attained? This is attained when one has created the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, when the Sacred Fire has reached the superior part of the brain. This is how the Advent of Bethlehem occurs.” - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah